World Saves, Blueprints, and all settings gone

PineappleKing shared this bug 5 months ago

Hello, I am a huge fan of the company and have been a day one player but I believe this is my first time submitting a support ticket so I apologize if you've already heard this or not, and I don't know if there's anything you can do about it now, either, but I just wanted to share that after downloading the most recent updated and purchasing the newest DLC I logged into my space Engineers game and noticed I no longer had any save files. I've been playing the game for years, I've put hundreds of hours into it, I'm always down to support you guys further and continue playing - but I was a bit heartbroken upon seeing all my saved worlds and blueprints were gone. After remaking a world and resetting my game settings, I noticed that all of my custom blueprints were gone and only the workshop ones stayed.

Replies (7)



Thank you for contacting us. Since this is a bug report, I'm moving your ticket to our support page, where our QA team will take care of you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Hello engineer,

Thank you for reaching out to us on the forum. We’re sorry to hear about the missing save files and custom blueprints.

Here are a few steps you can try to recover your saved data ;

Check the Save folder :

Space Engineers world save files are stored locally in your computer’s AppData folder. To locate them, go to:

C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves

Inside this folder, you should find a folder with your Steam ID, which contains all your saved worlds. If your saved world files are located elsewhere (in some other drive or folder), please move them to this folder, as the game checks here to display saved worlds in the game menu.

Locate Blueprints :

Local blueprints are stored in the \AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Blueprints\local folder. If your blueprints were saved to the cloud, you can recover them by enabling Cloud. To do this, go to the main menu in Space Engineers, then Options > Game > check box of Enable Cloud option. Once enabled, press OK to save the settings. Then, start a new game or load an existing one, press F10 in the game to open the Blueprint screen, and you should see your cloud-saved blueprints listed there.

Unfortunately, if blueprints were not saved to the cloud and your world files are not in the specified Saves folder, they may not be recoverable.

We understand the frustration of losing progress and custom work. Please let us know if there’s anything further we can assist with.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, upon reviewing the folders you have suggested I have noticed that my saved games are still missing/deleted. However, my blueprints folder still contains all my saved blueprints from before thankfully. I have made sure that the enable cloud option is enabled in game, but I am still unable to access the blueprints. I am open to any other suggestions you have to access my blueprints, thank you.


So after some digging I found that the saved folder containing all my saved blueprints were in a .windows.old subsect of my hard drive for some reason. After making a copy of said folder for safety reasons, I pasted the local folder from there to my current blueprints folder which didnt have a local folder in it. I loaded the game up and everything was back and fully paste-able and working. Thank you for the assistance in this matter o7


Hello engineer,

Thank you for the update. We’re glad to hear you were able to recover your old blueprints.

Regarding your missing saved games, could you try searching your device for the saved worlds by their names? Since your blueprints were stored in a different folder/drive, the saved worlds might also be in an unexpected location. A reverse search by name might help you locate them.

If you’re still unable to find the saved worlds this way, they may have been permanently removed from your device.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Keen, I figured this might have happened and the same thing that happened with my blueprints also happened with my saves. I was able to copy and past the overarching save file into my current Space Engineers files and was able to recover them without any issues. I have no idea why the update sparked this odd thing to happen but I'm glad I got my saves and blueprints back. Thank you for the assistance and hopefully my issue can help others look in something like a .windows.old folder or some weird place like that. Need to create o7


Hello engineer,

We’re glad to hear that you’ve successfully recovered your old world saves and blueprint files. Information provided by you will certainly help us provide solutions for other players having similar issues.

As there is no further assistance needed from our side, we are closing this thread.

Please do not hesitate to contact us again if you happen to experience or observe any other issues.

Happy Engineering!

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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