Ore scan locations disappearing randomly or just not showing at all.

troy isaac shared this bug 5 months ago
Won't Fix

So this just started happening after the wind turbine bug fix. I have about 8 station platforms laid 2.5 km away from my base and each one is spaced another 2.5 km away from each other. Each has a wind turbine, ore scanner *industrial overhaul 2.5km range*, antenna, and survival kit to change antenna range. These were all working and suddenly they all started disappearing. At first it was just a few and figured maybe there are just too many waypoints showing up on the HUD with all the enemy encounters. So I got rid of the encounter mods to rid myself of any unwanted clutter on the HUD. This didn't fix anything. Then NONE would show up at all. Then they would all appear again and I'd head out with my miner to get some titanium and i get within 1.2k of it and its gone, move up in altitude and it reappears, move my ship in a different direction and it appears, move back towards it and boom its gone again. Same thing was happening with ones at in the distance. Antennas are set to 50km.

Broadcast is on within each antenna and on my suit. scrolling with H does not help.

Anyone else experiencing this? I've loaded a brand new game with no mods and still having the same issue.

I should also note i'm using the industrial overhaul mod and that makes the ore detectors on a station 2.5km range and the small one on my small ship 1km. Thought I'd mention that before people start mentioning short ore detector ranges. Broadcast antennas in the distance are set to 50km. I'm trying to recreate an instance where if I turn a certain way I see like 6-8 ore locations found and I move even the slightest and they're gone off the hud but not able to recreate it atm.

Replies (5)


Here you can see that they do occasionally show up on the hud. Took a while for it to occur and then they were gone again once I turned towards them.



Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for reaching out to us with this problem.

We were unfortunately unable to reproduce the issue. Could you please share some additional info?

Is this happening in a single player game or on a server? And the issue is happening even without the ore scanner mod installed? Could you please share what exact mod are you using?

If possible, could you share a save of the world with the issue here? You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.

Please zip the file and attach it here. Alternatively, could you share blueprint of the station with ore detector? You can access your blueprints via the same way as saved in \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Blueprints.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department.


Single Player game, There are mods installed. Industrial overhaul is being used. The issues happens as well on a brand new game with just the industrial overhaul mod. Attached are the gamesave and the blueprint for the ore detector station.

Thanks for any help you can give!


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for the additional information. It seems like one of the mods is at fault here. We tried running the world with no mods and the ore signals were shown, but with the mods enabled it was not working. Additionally, it looks like it breaks the signals for the whole game session - when loading in another (new or old) world after the one with mods, the ore signals would not show up until the game was restarted.

Could you please try starting a world with no mods when you boot up the game to see if it would work? If the issue is caused by a mod, we can't do much about that.

Thank you.

Kind regard,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello engineer,

as there has been no reply to this thread in some time, we will close it. If you're experiencing this issue, please create a new thread.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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