New "Rotate to angle feature"

error 404 shared this bug 46 hours ago

If i use the new "rotate to angle" feature rotors have in timers, event controllers, panels etc

The upper and lower limit of the rotor get changed from "unlimited " to the specified angle.

That disturbs the other functions and tasks the rotor might have, sometimes it inverted its angles ( i had 0 to -360 degrees rather than 0 to 360) so completely negative values which did not trigger other even controllers which were set to trigger at a designated positive angle.

Expected behaviors would be for the rotor to turn to the specified angle at a specified speed WITHOUT!! interfering in min and max limit!

Unless i am missing something.

Replies (1)


Yea I'm also having the same problem, can't even work around it bacause the set upper and lower limit only accepts numbers >.<

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