Ore not going through hinges

Steve gray shared this bug 4 months ago
Won't Fix

since the latest patch. ore from a drill is not able to pass through hinges. through testing

ore cannot be maually passed from drill inventory through a hinge

it also doesnt pull to the refinery on its own

zipped save game attached

Replies (4)


Seems fine for me, Tested on PC & PS5

Please note that Conveyors type blocks such Hinges/Pistons/Advance Rotors requires power to transfer ore/components.


Power is not my issue. it worked fine before the patch now it doesnt.


Hello Steve,

thank you for reaching our forum with this problem.

And than you also for providing the save file. It was big help!

As it turned out, it seems that you have one of the hinge parts on the hinges just not finished. After completely welding it, the problem was gone and ores could go through it further to the base. Please see my image.

Can you try the same on your side and confirm me. that you could also find and fix the problem and now it's working fine for you, please?

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Engineer,

as there has been no reply to this thread in some time, we will close it. If you're experiencing this issue, please create a new thread.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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