Inventory System Improvement/Overhaul

Nomi shared this feedback 3 days ago
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Problem: The Current Inventory system is incredibly tedious to use when it gets to a larger scale, overflowing refineries, assemblers, drills, etc. tend to dump their contents into very arbitrary locations. There's no way to tell what grids or subgrids certain containers belong to from the inventory screen unless every single "storage" block on that gird is named in a certain way. The filters in the Inventory screen are useless (except the "show only the current ship"). Although most of these issues are easy to overlook at small scales, they quickly layer on top of each other and make it nearly impossible to play the game at it's full potential without many work-arounds, mods and scripts which makes the system especially hostile to newer players, many of whom don't even get to play the game at a larger scale partially to avoid those problems.

Current in-game solutions: Currently fixing these issues involves having systems consisting of dozens if not hundreds of conveyor sorters and connectors to isolate specific parts of the inventory system which is incredibly tedious to do, performance demanding, easily prone to mistakes and becoming completely unusable from even a single conveyor getting damaged (not to mention being nearly impossible for new players to figure out). The only effective way to filter for specific containers is by meticulously naming each storage block, usually involving some sort of short-hand to denote types of cargo that can be quickly typed into the search bar (example "qwe" for components storage, "asd" for ore, etc.) this makes the already strained "Control Panel" ui even worse as all of these "filters" have to be input into the name of the block.

Proposed Solutions:

-customizable item restraint system: in the same way that refineries have inventory slots that only allow ore or ingots to be stored in them, I propose allowing players to set those same restraints on cargo containers, allowing us to pick what can be deposited into specific cargo containers via a dropdown menu to pick categories or ideally via a whitelist/blacklist like on conveyor sorters.

-Tag filter system/Description system: a way of adding custom tags to individual containers that can later be used in the inventory system to filter for the wanted containers via + and - tags

example: if I wanted to look for all ingots except those that are in refineries or on a certain grid I'd write: +"ingots" -"refineries" -"grid name" OR ideally this would be done outside the search bar, instead using a filter system in place of the current one.

Also ideally those tags should be able to be created by the player and assigned to specific blocks, this would allow for fully custom tags that can be as broad or as specific as the player needs BUT if that's impossible or too complicated to implement then pre-made tags are also fine. Very important that multiple tags are able to be added to a single block.

*If the "customizable restraint system" is added alongside the tag system, the tag system should be separate from the restraints as to be less limiting so that if a container is restrained to only store "Iron Ingots", it would still be able to be found by filtering with tags like "Ingots", "Raw materials", etc.

-"Stockpile" but for Containers: this, together with the "restraint system" would in practice allow to consolidate/auto-sort all inventory into their appropriate containers without the need for a very complicated conveyor sorter system BUT it could cause a bunch of issues such as two cargo containers allowing the same items just endlessly "stealing" from each other or interfering with other blocks by, for example: taking ore from refineries or ingots from assemblers, making those blocks unable to function

therefore this system would need a way to set priorities to function properly, this might be much more demanding and complicated to implement but for example a cargo container can only take cargo from things that are lower than itself in "priority levels" so: a Priority level 3 cargo container can drain ore from a drill that's priority level 1 but it cannot drain from other cargo containers that are also set to level 3 BUT it can be drained by a refinery if it's set to priority level 4 or if refineries can just skip priorities altogether.

I'm happy to clarify any points I've made or discussing alternative ways of improving the inventory system because I believe it's something necessary for the game moving forward. Cheers!

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