Subgrid drills sometimes dont work

Chuck shared this bug 4 months ago

To provide as much information as possible, im going to post a link to the steam discussion page where this was concluded to be a bug:

But to summarize here: I have a rover with 2 drills on hinges to control their angle. Pretty often, one set of the drills will just not dig, and the other one will dig just fine. This is most notable in the excavation mode where you use right mouse to dig a large area. You can see one drill carving an area and the other one not mining rock thats basically touching the drill. In the steam discussion, another player tested the vehicle and found that its because the drills are on hinges. When they arent, both drills dig just fine.

Here is a link to my rover that this was discovered on:

and the attached screenshots are pictures of the poor drilling. It is dark in the screenshots so i drew on the clearest one to show that the drills arent working as they should

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Hello Chuck,

thank you for reaching our forum with this problem.

The issue was successfully reproduced on our side and put into our internal system.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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