Toggling Reverse Thrusters On Planets Causes Catastrophic Thruster Failure

Michael Ortegon shared this bug 6 days ago
Need More Information

Nearly every person I know that plays space engineers has experienced the dreaded "reverse thruster bug" since signal came out. What happens is while toggling a separate grouping of backwards facing thrusters to allow for coasting in natural gravity, OCCASIONALLY all thrusters will lose their ability to produce thrust and the whole grid will plummet to it's demise.

Parachutes can stop this if you're fast enough, but if you're flying at low altitude you lose your entire grid, which is untenable in server play.

It seems to only happen when toggling reverse thrusters in natural gravity, and it seems to always have the same effect for every person. A total loss of thrust, as if dampeners had been turned off, however even hitting spacebar to lift produces no thrust during the freefall. During this time the thrusters are visually on, but do not create thrust or show the animation that shows thrust happening.

This is not related in any way to restock, or o2 gens. These are experienced players that this is happening to (several thousand hours each), and the story is always the same. It's gotten to a point where nobody uses their backwards thrusters on/off to coast any longer.

Of all the bugs, this is the most catastrophic one I've experienced in all of the years playing.

Replies (2)


Some additional information:

Toggling them back on/off does not give thrust back. Toggling all thrusters on/off/on does not restore thrust. One person was able to restore thrust with toggling Y, however the same did not help me when it happened to me.


Hello Michael,

thank you for reaching our forum with this problem.

We were not able to reproduce it on our side so far.

Can you please provide us with any of the affected grids blueprint, and ideally video showing this problem on your side? Or please write steps to reproduce that we can follow in the game with the blueprint.

You can access your blueprints files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Blueprints. Select the correct folder where your blueprint is saved (local or cloud), zip the file and attach it here.

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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