New Inset Connector: Items and Gas Passthrough when Unlocked

Engineered Coffee shared this bug 11 days ago

I use 2 facing connectors on the same grid as a valve. Locked (green ring) = gas flows. Unlocked (yellow ring) = gas doesn't flow. (Sorter for gas basically)

The new inset connectors allow items and gas to pass through even when unlocked. Bug only occurs with 2 facing inset connectors, using either the right angle or straight conveyor ports.

Using 2 old connectors or a combination of 1 old connector and 1 new inset connector, it works as intended with no passthrough when unlocked.

Here is a link to a video explaining the issue:

Replies (1)


Hello Engineer,

Thank you for reaching our forum and letting us know about this issue.

Issue was successfully reproduced on our side and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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