Extreme Ship Damage

Cor shared this bug 10 days ago

Just had an incident with the new flush connectors.

I was creeping back to connect to the base, the connectors grabbed each other, sparked. and both large hydrogen engines exploded, along with the blocks next to them. Ship fell to the ground because one of those blocks was a medium storage damaged enough it wouldnt carry hydrogen to the rear engines.

luckily it wasnt enough damage to totally destroy any engines/blocks

The connectors grabbing and linking up sholdnt be causing this much ship damage, especially when neither flush connector was touched in the slightest. Ive had connectors wreck themselves before, but this was a first.

Replies (3)


Connectors should be immune to impact damage. like drills and wheels. Too much accidents happen when they explode when connecting to eachother.


I have also had issues with slightly and barely touching voxels and other blocks causing thrusters to explode. Not sure if it was hydrogen or atmo thrusters causing the problem (or maybe both) as I had both explode both times I barely grazed the mountainside I was trying to mine a hole into. Didn't have this problem before the Contact update.

Edit: Also had a hydrogen thruster explode while trying to connect to a connector. It wasn't the inset one though. Just a normal large connector.


I also have noticed this while playing. the connectors got damaged just getting near it, and before it was not happening.

I also got small ships damaged for just touching a large grid part. I was going to weld a floor, the speed was less than 3 m/s, and it damaged 6 thruster and the cockpit. I flied to my welding wall and was not possible to repair it because it keep getting damaged by the welders.

another small ship that I had got almost obliterated by touching a wall just about 7 m/s.

at the moment it is not possible to fly safe near anything

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