Game Crashes when loading any save

Kennenite shared this bug 10 days ago
Need More Information

Game is up to latest update, worked fine last night. I have played for an hour or two and was messing with some of the new blocks on a friends world. He got the same error as in the screenshot "Can not find the blueprint file" the game completely froze and we both had to force close our games, nothing else worked. I tried loading my save and I got the same error multiple times on that save, I had to force close each time because it would freeze. Afterwards I tried loading another save and this screenshot is what popped up the moment the save loaded. At this point the game is unplayable for me sadly.

Replies (6)


Hello Engineer,

thank you for reaching our forum with this problem. We are sorry that it is happening to you.

Can you please share me more information?

So if you are saying "worked fine last night... with some on the new blocks" do I understand it correctly that you were able to start and play the v205 game after the update/DLC happened?

On a friends world, that means that you were together in multiplayer in Lobby mode, with him hosting and you joining, right?

Are there any mods included on the server?

What he was doing before/when this error appeared for him? Trying to load some of the old blueprints? Creating new one?

You also got this error in this game session? At the same time? Or here the game just frozen for you without any information on your side?

Then you are speaking about your saves... so that being your other worlds in single player? Or those were multiplayer (you hosting) game? This was the first time you saw this error on your side as well?

When exactly you got this error please? When trying to load the saves directly in the Load game menu? Or later on loading screen, or once in the game?

How about starting a new game? Can you start brand new world; e.g. Empty world, Red ship... or even here the error is present for you?

The friend is also still affected with this the same way as you are, or for him the game is working?

So the game is not technically crashing (back to Windows/desktop), but rather freezing to render unplayable, correct?

You might want to try our general workarounds. These are:

  • Verify your game files in Steam - right-click on Space Engineers in Steam Library → Properties → Installed Files → Verify Integrity of Game Files
  • Delete SpaceEngineers.cfg file (it means your game configuration will be deleted) - you can access your SpaceEngineers.cfg by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers.
  • Delete ShaderCache folder - same access as above
  • Back up your whole Space Engineers Roaming folder and delete it
  • Restart Steam
  • Reinstall VC Redist 2017
  • Update graphic drivers
  • Reinstall the game
  • Make sure your operating system is fully updated

Please let me know if anything from this list is working for you. If not, please reply to the questions above and share me a log file from any game session where you try to start/load game and this issue happens.

You can access your log files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers.

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Just found a solution, I've removed a mod called "Nanite Control Factory" and my save is Working again. Either it is THAT mod that is broken or an issue relating to mods using blueprints


Having the same issue as well, It's most likely a mod issue. I've got two saves where one works fine and the other is Soft Locked so I've compared the two and created a list of the broken save's mods with marks meaning "Mods that were in Working save" and "Mods that were not in working save" as Green and Red. (Green was in working save, Red was NOT in working save)


I've been experiencing the same issue on a vanilla save - Error keeps popping up once my custom drone launcher makes like 1-3 of those things. Each time it happens I need to restart my game and hope for a good autosave.

EDIT: I managed to fix it by changing the name of the drone blueprint name. It was originally "Drone Mk1", but changing it to just "C1" fixed it

EDIT 2: Nevermind, just got the error again


I'm playing with a friend that's hosting. I get this lock when I cut my creations away from the projector. We are using a number of mods but Nanite Control Factory is NOT one of them. The creations are ones that were created before Contact update was launched and they were all working fine. No modded blocks on any of the builds that I received this error on. We do have Build and Repair in the mod list but none of those blocks are on our bases yet (too expensive for a freshly spun up server). I've had this error pop up on me three times in 48 hours and always when I'm cutting creations loose from the projector. "Unable to find Blueprint file". The button on the box remains greyed out and sorta flickering but unclickable. It requires me to Alt-F4 and reload every time.

I'm building ships from the ISL shipyards (which have not been updated to use blocks from Contact) and this one:

The error also popped up on me when I was going to adjust the arm leading from my projector to where the creations connect. This block is not a projector projected block but a merge block used to hold onto the creation during building. The projector was still on when I started to cut the merge block away and the pop-up prevented me from fully disassembling the merge block.

Most of the mods in use on the server are QoL aside from BaR (which, again, we don't have any built or in use) and custom planets.

OS is up to date.


Having the same issue. Very few mod overlaps with the above posters.

I get the error also as soon as I disconnect a ship from a printer. Everything is fine until I turn off the merge block then I get the same error message spammed


Having same problem.

Whatever I do, nothing helps - after disconnecting merge block from freshly printed ship - message "cannot find the blueprint file" get spammed and I have to force-close game and restart it

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