Non Factorum Cargo ships and Encounters Not Spawning

TyDale shared this bug 4 months ago
Won't Fix

Random Encounters and Cargo ships are not spawning on dedicated server and singleplayer worlds. IE: Private Sails, Mining Carriages, Business Shipments, Etc.

Economy, Enable Encounters and Cargo Ships are checked in advanced world settings.

Asteroid Amount and Encounter Amount are at normal densities.

Economy stations are populating, and global Factorum encounters are working.

Testing on 3 separate computers all unmodded.

1st Computer is Admin for a dedicated server, It is running a brand new save with the "Star System" start and currently has 4 players who all claim that no Cargo Ships or Random Encounters have been seen yet. Admin commands were used to search for encounters by teleporting through space at 50km increments to generate new asteroids all while monitoring the Entities List.

2nd Computer is offline running a single player "Star System" start and is flying through space watching for Encounters.

3rd Computer is offline running the same map and is stationary at a player built station within 5km of an Economy station.

Testing has only been going on for 4 hours but I feel that's enough time to make a report. Cargo Ships and encounters were functioning before the update.

Replies (5)


Just wanted to update this. Quite a few others and I have been testing this issue and it looks like its limited to Torch Dedicated Servers. Everything is working perfectly with the Steam Space Engineers Dedicated Server.

I did make a video about the issue here, Since this is a Torch issue and not a Keen bug all following bug reports will be through the Torch Discord.


I'm having this same issue on a private multiplayer game on steam.


The same problem on a private multiplayer game on steam


I'm having an issue similar to this. I get encounters from SPRT and other factions, but I'm not getting SPRT cargo ships at all. I've tried multiple new saves (vanilla) and no luck. I also have also tested the dedicated server from Steam.


I'm having this same issue...



Thank you for reporting the issue. Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce the issue.

Could you please verify that the issue persists even after increasing Pirate PCU, that's the most common reason for various encounters not spawning.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello engineer,

as there has been no reply to this thread in some time, we will close it. If you're experiencing this issue, please create a new thread.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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