AI recorder reference beacon unlimited range bug

GwaiLOL shared this bug 20 days ago

The AI recorder updates the waypoints even if the reference beacon is out of antenna range.

To replicate the bug, please follow the steps below to setup:

Step1. Create two functional grids that can move freely, be piloted, and be controlled by action relay, Grid A and B.

Step2. Place a Beacon, action relay and antenna on grid A, then place an AI flight, antenna and AI recorder block on Grid B.

Step3. Move Grid B 100m in front of Grid A, set reference beacon to Grid A’s beacon, then record a waypoint, then move forward and set the 2nd waypoint 1km in front of Grid A. When you press play, grid B should go from waypoint 0 to 1

Step 4. Set Grid B's antenna to a 1m range. Then, Set Grid A's antenna to 500m and the beacon to 1m.

Step 5. Setup the action relays so Grid A and trigger Grid B AI recorder to play.

Actual test to replicate to problem.

(enable view antenna in playerinfo tab to aid yourself visually)

Pilot Grid A and trigger action relay, try to point Grid A at any random location slowly.

Grid B will attempt to get to waypoint 0 and then 1. The waypoints will update as long as Grid B is in Grid A’s 500m antenna range. Let Grid B complete the first waypoint, then move your pointing position slowly and continue moving it after it leaves the antenna range.

Expected Results:

When Grid B leaves the antenna range, waypoint 1 should remain at the last known position and it will stop at that location.

Actual bugged result:

Grid B continues to receive waypoint updates after it leaves Grid A’s antenna range.


The issue can be a bug with the beacon.

It can be replicated in dedicated servers and single player worlds

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