[204] Ship Inertia Dampeners notification doesn't update

Digi shared this bug 3 months ago

This is for dampeners notification while in a cockpit.


The very first time you see "Inertia Dampeners On" (for example) it will remain like that until it vanishes regardless of you pressing dampeners key again, this becomes quite misleading.

If you however wait until the text vanishes then press dampeners key, it will show the new state properly. It simply cannot update the text while the text is visible, and this has been a problem for mods too since SE v194, and our workaround is to hide the text before updating it.

Either way this indicates that the message is supposed to be there, that's why this is a bugreport.

However I would suggest making these better because:

- it's not shown at all for suit dampaners

- it's not shown at all for enabling relative dampeners

So it would be best to either remove the notififcation entirely to avoid drawing attention in the wrong place and let players look at the HUD, or add the proper notifications for ALL the dampener interactions.

Replies (2)


I agree this text, in this particular case, is inconsistent but also redundant with the hud indicator and the audio queues so is it really even necessary

if it's meant to be helpful for new players, utilize good bot hints instead, they might also need an explanation of what inertial dampeners even are

also, an option to simply turn these hud texts off, which has been on my wish list since my first week in the game, they may have been helpful at the very start but now i find them annoying/distracting, and inaccurate


Hello Digi,

Thank you for reaching our forum and letting us know about this issue.

Issue was successfully reproduced on our side and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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