[1.204] Searchlight, programmable block and server

Mad-Catcher shared this bug 35 days ago


There's issues with searchlight blocks in programmable blocks:

  • The method "SetManualAzimuthAndElevation" works only on host side. Players joining the party don't see searchlights rotating using this method except the host.
    IMySearchlight light = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("light") as IMySearchlight;
    light.EnableIdleMovement = false;
    light.SetManualAzimuthAndElevation(0, 0);
  • In the following part of code, the color parameter has no effect on hosted parties.
    IMySearchlight light = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("light") as IMySearchlight;
    light.Color = Color.Red; //Does not work
    light.SetColorValue("Color", Color.Red); //Works but ugly

Note: these issues appear only on hosted parties, with and without mods. I also noticed searchlights does not implement IMyReflectorLight since they work as such or at list IMyLightningGroup which concerns quite all lightning blocks but searchlights.

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