[204] Block definition's DepressurizationEffectOffset isn't rotated properly

Digi shared this bug 37 days ago

A rather low priority thing but it's a bit sad that time was spent adding this feature for it to not do its job... and what's worse, if it didn't exist in the first place the particle would be in the center and that would look better than this offset that moves it away from the block instead.

See what I mean: https://imgur.com/a/oKViZGT

Easiest to test with is the Narrow Door:

1. start by placing it first so it decides the grid orientation, build a room behind it and airvent, power, oxygen production to get pressurized.

2. open the door and notice how the particles are near the door where they should be.

3. close door, poke a hole on the opposite side (or any other side of the room that isn't the same side as the door) and place another narrow door there facing outwards.

4. after that new door is also closed and waited a bit to pressurize, open it and see how the particles are way out.

The fix I think would be to rotate the offset by the block local matrix.

Replies (1)


I have observed this, and found it a bit confusing, I just assumed the particle effect was spawned "randomly" in the general area and was meant to be that way, i had not noticed the pattern i guess because i didn't know of the underlying intention, enhancement

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