[BUG]Timer block freezes magnetic plate actions when advanced rotor 3x3 is placed

Jason shared this bug 6 months ago

So I have a puzzling problem, I have two identical ships (Both Pasted), The only thing controlling the magnetic plates are one event controller and timer blocks (No mods). The event controller only activates the locking on all plates when someone sits on the pilot seat (Not continuous). The timer blocks has a simple actions starting by, unlocking, reverse and 6 seconds later lock. When pasting the ship everything works fine no issues if I add an advanced rotor 3x3 all the plates become unresponsive to all timer blocks (On this specific ship), adding the Rotor to one of the subgrids doesn't trigger the issue. The hinge and piston action in that same timer block function properly, going to the terminal and activating and deactivating the magnetic lock works. At this moment I'm at a lost on why this is happening.

Steps tried:

-Disabling event controller

-Locking and unlocking all plates

-Turning off scripts

-Activating just a single timer block with just the unlock action

-Praying to the clang Gods

The build that i'm using:


How to replicates the issue: Add an advanced rotor 3x3 on the main grid, get in the pilot seat and press 1 and then toggle 3,4 or 5 to control landing leg, ramp and bay door. The magnetic plates should not trigger except the pistons and hinges causing the whole function to not move. Remove the Rotor and repeat the steps to check function has been regained.

Last edited by HEX; 4 hours ago

Replies (4)


Update: So it's not just the 3x3 adv rotor, pistons, hinges and all rotors causes the issue.


Update: Found the issue and a fix, the issue is the ownership of blocks, after selecting everything in the control panel and changing the ownership to "me" it didn't repeat the issue again. I made the blueprint and I'm the publisher why I need to give ownership after adding a single block is still a mystery, but now I can build again.

Topic Solved.


This isn't a world specific bug but added world save for debugging.


Hello Jason,

thank you for reaching our forum with this problem that you were experiencing.

Happy to hear that it is fixed now on your side and thus this issue is not happening to you anymore.

Since there is no further assistance needed from our side, I will close this thread now.

Please do not hesitate to contact us again, should you experience/observe any other problem with/in the game.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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