Laser antenna connection bug on Dedicated server environment

GwaiLOL shared this bug 42 days ago

Laser antennas are experiencing issues on Dedicated servers, and it's crucial for Keen to address this by revamping the block(on the code level). It possesses immense potential that is currently overlooked and underutilized.

The most common way of establishing any laser communication network is a star network, where one tranceiver is stationary in the middle and other nodes can move freely as long as there is no grid obstruction. However, on dedicated servers, even if you established a connection, you might have issues viewing the activtiy in control panels or visusally.


How to recplicate the bug(s) on a dedicated server?

1. Create 3 power grids (A, B, and C) with 2 to 3 faction accounts.

Grid A and B each with 1 beacon set to broadcast at 5m range, 1 laser antenna, 1 jump drive, and 1 pilot seat.

Grid C with 2 laser antennas with minimal obstruction.

2. Connect the laser antennas of grids A & B to C, then set the connections as permanent.

3. Jump Grids A & B 10-90km away from Grid C.


You can retest within the concealment range of the server and also outside of the concealment range of the server as long as you have enough Power output on each grid to perform the laser antenna connection.

The expected results:

Players in grid A & B pilot seat should see eachother's beacon signal despite the distance.

The expected bug behaviour:

- Players are unable to see the beacon at step 2.

- Connected but unable access other grid's control panel

- unable to see the beacon at step 3.

- If both players switch factions but set the beacons, pilot seats and laser antennas to Nobody and shared all, the players won't be able to the expected reults mentioned above.

The work around solution is also unreliable:

The common workaround solution is to reboot the server, it works sometimes but only works 30% of the time.

Replies (1)


Hello GwaiLOL,

Thank you for reaching our forum and letting us know about this issue.

We have put it into our internal system.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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