Exit saves occasionally don't load on dedicated server; loads from backup instead losing progress

Ashleigh Angela Moore shared this bug 5 months ago
Won't Fix

Steam, 1.204.018 b1.

Usually, when the server stops it saves the game fine. No errors. But when it goes to load again, it instead loads from the last backup (usually 4 to 6 hours older than the actual latest save) with no errors in the console, as if it didn't just delete progress.

Replies (2)


Hello engineer,

Thank you for writing to us and we sincerely apologize for the delayed response to this thread.

Just to confirm, are you hosting the server with a third-party hosting service, or are you using our Dedicated Server Manager (DSGUI) to host it?

If you are hosting the server using Dedicated Server Manager, have you noticed specific instances where the server loads an older backup instead of the most recent save? Additionally, is your server crashing or are you manually stopping it using the DSGUI? If the server crashes, it is possible that the game did not save progress, causing it to load an older backup.

Please also check the "Autosave Interval [mins]" setting in the DSGUI's Others tab. If this is set to '0', autosave is disabled, meaning the server will not save progress automatically. In this case, if a crash occurs, the server may revert to the last saved backup. Setting a value greater than '0' will enable autosave at the specified intervals.

If you continue to experience issues, please verify if backup files are being created in the AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineersDedicated\Saves[your server save name] > Backup folder.

Additionally, are there any mods or scripts running on your server? These could also interfere with proper backup and save functionality.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello engineer,

as there has been no reply to this thread in some time, we will close it. If you're experiencing this issue, please create a new thread.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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