Game breaking crash (100% reproducable)

Ripps shared this bug 6 months ago
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Event Controller WILL crash the game in the following scenario

Two different grids are connected together via a connector, with an event controller setup on grid 1 to monitor connector 1 and its locked status, with an action to lock the connector again if it ever becomes unlocked.

Workaround is trigger timer instead that locks the connector after 1 second.

Replies (3)


Hello Ripps,

Thank you for writing to us.

We tried to reproduce this issue at our side, but we didn't experience the game crash when unlocking the connector, Event Controller is watching. Could you kindly send us the world save where you have experienced this issue, along with the steps to reproduce the issue on your save (if they are any different then what shown in the shared video)? Please also send us the crash log as well.

  • You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.
  • Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.
  • You can access your log files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Yea so..... do you know what's crazy? I cant even reproduce it now, but i think i know what is happening but not why.

So both grids must be stations, Yes i know, small grid != station but make it so.

And you need to avoid any situation that can break the event controller which causes them stop working or work incorrectly.

Right now in the world i am in trying to create for you, and a new situation occurs where the connectors will show incorrect lights based on their actual states, The terminal will state they are connected but visisibly show they are not. and the event controllers will also claim the connectors are not connected but they connectors themselves show green lights


Let me get back to you on this one.

So yea after more testing I feel like it only works one time and then something breaks and after that no matter how much i try the event controller will only fire one time.

and the theory was in the moment the connectors become unconnected the event controller fires and reconnects them which causes the crash?

Requires further investigation I think

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