Ship Stuck on the ground

ankou shared this bug 6 months ago

Hi there,

I've got an issue with my ship and tried for several hours to fix this.

I've started just with a dropship on a planet, so it takes couple of hours until I got the first ship up and running.

I've landed the ship next to my iron mine, in order to transport more iron than I can carry by hand. Unfortunately the ship behaves like it's glued to the ground. If I turn on the energy the engines a running at full speed, I think they try to compensate the drawing to the ground.

I disabled automatic parking on the landing gears and on the connector, I even tried to grind them completely down or dig a hole beneath the ship. Nothing helped so far. Sometimes I made it to lift off, but even then it's like an invisible hand draws the ship back to the ground. It's unsteerable und will just crash into the ground after some time.

Best Answer

is the ship too heavy?

is the ship actually a 'station' ?

is any part of the ship under the voxel material ?

If yes to any of this that may be the reason, but this problem will be hard for KSH to diagnose without any video or screenshots.

Replies (4)


is the ship too heavy?

is the ship actually a 'station' ?

is any part of the ship under the voxel material ?

If yes to any of this that may be the reason, but this problem will be hard for KSH to diagnose without any video or screenshots.


Hello engineer,

Thank you for writing to us.

Could you kindly share further information concerning this issue?

Have you, by any chance, turned your ship into a station? You can check this by going to your grid's terminal, then to the 'Info' panel. At the bottom-right of this screen, you will see options to 'Convert to Ship' and 'Convert to Station.' If the 'Convert to Station' option is greyed out, it means you have converted your grid to a station, which restricts it from moving or flying. Click on 'Convert to Ship' to make your grid mobile again.

If your grid is already a ship, please check if any connectors of your ship are in the 'Ready to Lock' state. If so, 'Lock' the connectors once and then unlock them again, which should free the ship to fly. Additionally, please check if your ship's weight is too heavy (if so, remove items from its inventory) or if there are any magnetic plates, other than the landing gears, that are in contact with the ground and locked, restricting your ship from flying. If so, unlock or remove/grind them.

If the issue still persists, please send us a screen recording/video showing the issue, along with the world save file where you are experiencing this issue.

  • You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.
  • Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Thank you both for your reply.

I feel kind of dumb, the first hint was just the solution.

I didn't do the math properly while sizing the thrusters, I totally forgot to mind the gravity. My ship has a large cargo container which was completely full with ore, so the mass of the ship was about 50 tons and I just used the flat atmospheric thrusters (mostly the large ones). After I unloaded the ore by hand to reduce weight of the ship I was able to fly again. Need to mention that even with just a half filled large cargo container and about 30 tons mass the ship flies like a wrecking ball. Seems that the flat thrusters are not designed for heavy duty, so I will have to replace them, the ship is mainly for ore transport.

Good that it happens right now, my next project idea was kind of a nomad base, like a massive flying plattform which lands somewhere, gather all ressources and moves along. I think this is not the best idea for the beginning.

Is there something like a table with a list of thruster power? I just found an old wiki entry which doesn't seem to be recently updated.

Thank you for your help and sorry for wasting your time.


Hello engineer,

Thank you for writing back to us.

We are pleased to know that you have found a solution for the issue you experienced.

You can find a comprehensive list of thrusters and their power on this link, here

Since there is no additional help needed from our side, we will close this thread now.

Please do not hesitate to contact us again, should you observe/experience any other problem with/in the game.

Happy Engineering!

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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