[1.204.018 b2] Turrets ignore enemies after setting Azimuth or Elevation through programmable block

ALPHA shared this bug 7 months ago

How to reproduce:

1. Create a grid with reactor, turret and programmable block.

2. Paste a simple code into block that sets an azimuth or/and elevation to turret like this

        public Program()


		public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource)
            List<IMyTerminalBlock> terms = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
            foreach (IMyTerminalBlock block in terms)
                if(block.CustomName == "Gatling Turret")
                    IMyLargeGatlingTurret tur = block as IMyLargeGatlingTurret;
                    tur.Azimuth = 0;
                    tur.Elevation = 0;
3. Create an emeny grid (like pasting a single reactor and set it to Space Pirates).

4. After turret starts firing at it create a wall between them so turret cannot longer shoot through.

5. Run programmable block.

6. Remove wall - turret will no longer shoot at enemy until you press the button "Shoot" or "Shoot Once".

You can do the same without adding a wall: if you run a script while gun is reloading it will stuck aswell. If you run script twice while shooting - it will stop shooting and also stuck.

Video demostration:


Replies (2)


Hello, Engineer!

We have managed to reproduce the issue on our side. It has been added to our internal system.

We will update the thread once we have more info.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, Engineer!

We have received a reply from our developers. This is working as intended.

When you set any of those values, turret is switched to the Manual Mode.

Shooting once will change it from the Manual Mode again.

Developers have recommended running "ResetTargetingToDefault()" to do the same thing via your code.

We've taken your feedback under advisement and planned to improve turret UI in the future.

We will close this ticket.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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