No sound in game.

Horusrogue shared this bug 7 months ago

I played over 500 hours of space engineers, but took about a year break. Nothing has changed about my system in that time, except now I only have sound during the initial video.

I set my audio settings to 24/48000 as per other threads to no avail.


2024-07-10 21:47:15.213 - Thread: 1 -> Exception during loading audio engine. Game continues, but without sound. Details: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to find XAudio2 dlls for requested versions [Version29], not installed on this machine

at SharpDX.XAudio2.XAudio2..ctor(XAudio2Flags flags, ProcessorSpecifier processorSpecifier, XAudio2Version requestedVersion)

at VRage.Platform.Windows.Audio.MyPlatformAudio.InitAudioEngine()

at VRage.Audio.MyXAudio2.StartEngine()

at VRage.Audio.MyXAudio2.LoadData(MyAudioInitParams initParams, ListReader`1 sounds, ListReader`1 effects)


I tried to force unpack the latest directx versions of the xAudio2 DLLs manually, reinstall Direct X - no changes.

Was support for Windows 7 dropped? I can play the game without issue.


3700X, 1070, 16GB of DDR4.

Replies (2)


Update: Tried using this guide, seems to have resolved it.


Hello, Engineer,

thank you for reaching our forum with this problem that you experienced.

And thank you even more for coming back with the update on your side.

Happy to hear that you are no longer experiencing this problem. Since there is no need for further assistance from our side, I will close this thread now.

Please do not hesitate to contact us again, should you observe/experience any other problem with the game.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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