Modification/deletion of group isn't propagated to server

Michal Vodicka shared this bug 9 months ago

Observed behavior

I have event control block regulary turning group of batteries on and off. I removed some batteries from the group. They still turn off and on. I have deleted entire group. Batteries still turn off and on. I have relogged to the server. Issue is still happening.

Where it was reproduced

Official Keen server NA#1 - can replicate at will.

Doesn't replicate in singleplayer.

Steps to reproduce

  • Make event control with battery, some lights and any block for control event control, such as thruster.
  • Put lights into group `lights group`
  • Set event control to
  • WHEN "block on/off switched" = thruster
    THEN (action 1 slot 1) "lights group" -> switch on
    ELSE (action 2 slot 1) "lights group" -> switch offTest it few times
  • Now remove some lights from the group by resaving the group with less lights
  • take a close look that lights are indeed not in the group
  • Switch thruster on/off, lights that were previously in the group will still switch on/off
  • Remove the group completly
  • Switch thruster on/off, lights are still impacted

Additional info

Upon doing a blueprint and close look, BP seems to be setup correctly.

I suspect this is problem with propagation of group modification to the server or something like that. Doesn't seems to be a desync bug, since relog didn't help.

Replies (1)


Hello, Michal!

Thank you for reaching our forum with this issue and letting us know about it.

Issue was successfully reproduced on our side and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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