Windows server keeps crashing - Game is at critically low memory

Chris shared this bug 9 months ago
Need More Information

I'm running space engineers server on i9-12900K and 128GB of RAM.

Windows Server 2022

The server keeps crashing every 20-30 minutes depending on how many players are on. (1-4)

I'm running this through AMP Panel, but also have tried using the steam server manager. Issue persists on both. I cannot find any good source of information on how to solve this issue

2024-06-08 20:03:10.739 - Thread:  23 ->  STATISTICS LEGEND,time,ReceivedPerSecond,SentPerSecond,PeakReceivedPerSecond,PeakSentPerSecond,OverallReceived,OverallSent,CPULoadSmooth,ThreadLoadSmooth,GetOnlinePlayerCount,Ping,GCMemoryUsed,ProcessMemory,PCUBuilt,PCU,GridsCount,RenderCPULoadSmooth,RenderGPULoadSmooth,HardwareCPULoad,HardwareAvailableMemory,FrameTime,LowSimQuality,FrameTimeLimit,FrameTimeCPU,FrameTimeGPU,CPULoadLimit,TrackedMemory,GCMemoryAllocated,PersistedEncounters,EncounterEntities, DRS
2024-06-08 20:03:10.740 - Thread:  23 ->  STATISTICS,5161.4333334,0.01774597,0.01800919,0.05536079,1.290154,56.85535,117.3984,51.62121,5.189335,3,0,1505.4,6223.289,354516,1882528,159,0,0,0.07516009,107964,0,0,16.66667,0,0,100,3432021403,1505.4,0,0,-1
2024-06-08 20:03:10.740 - Thread:  23 ->  MEMORY LEGEND,Srv,Uav,Read,Debug,Index,Audio,SrvUav,Vertex,Buffers,Physics,Planets,Systems,Textures,Indirect,Constant,RwTextures,Dx11Render,MeshBuffers,FileTextures,DepthStencil,TileTextures,Voxels-Native,CustomTextures,HeightmapFaces,Mesh GPU Buffers,BitStreamBuffers,GeneratedTextures,FileArrayTextures,NativeDictionaries,CubemapDataBuffers,HeightDetailTexture,MyDeviceWriteBuffers,ShadowCascadesStatsBuffers,AI_PathFinding,EpicOnlineServices,EpicOnlineServicesWrapper
2024-06-08 20:03:10.740 - Thread:  23 ->  MEMORY VALUES,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2048,436,3273,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,192,0,24,0,0,762,240,4,0,0,0,0,0
2024-06-08 20:03:12.598 - Thread:  23 ->  Exception occurred: Sandbox.MyInitializer+MyOutOfMemoryException: Game is at critically low memory
2024-06-08 20:03:12.598 - Thread:  23 ->  Exception source:
2024-06-08 20:03:12.599 - Thread:  23 ->  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
2024-06-08 20:03:12.599 - Thread:  23 ->  Showing message
2024-06-08 20:03:12.600 - Thread:  23 ->  MyInitializer.OnCrash
2024-06-08 20:03:12.600 - Thread:  23 ->  var exception = Sandbox.MyInitializer+MyOutOfMemoryException: Game is at critically low memory
2024-06-08 20:03:13.179 - Thread:  23 ->  
================================== CRASH INFO ==================================
AppVersion: 01_204_018
GameName: Space Engineers
IsOutOfMemory: True
IsGPU: False
IsNative: False
IsTask: False
IsExperimental: True
ProcessRunTime: 5317
PCUCount: 354516
IsHang: False
GCMemory: 1509
GCMemoryAllocated: 1509
HWAvailableMemory: 107968
ProcessPrivateMemory: 6228
AnalyticId: SEDS
================================== OFNI HSARC ==================================

2024-06-08 20:03:13.179 - Thread:  23 ->  Log Closed

Replies (3)



Thank you for contacting us. Since this is a bug report, I'm moving your ticket to our support page, where our QA team will take care of you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Hello, Chris,

thank you for reaching our forum with this problem. We are sorry that you are experiencing it.

Can you please provide me more information on the subject?

Can you please share more information on what this means exactly: "...AMP Panel, but also have tried using the steam server manager"?

These are the only ways you run the server? It was working fine in the past and got broken just recently, or are you experiencing this already for a longer period of time?

Did you also try to run the server using the Space Engineers Dedicated Server app directly through your Steam Library? Is the issue the same as well?

Does the game crash after performing some specific set of steps, or are those crashes random?

Do the server crash, while your game is still running and you are redirected to Main menu, or does the game itself crash as well?

Are there any mods (scripts, plugins...) active on the affected save? Can you try the same without any mods to see if the issue persist with vanilla (no mods) game as well?

Please also share me logs – ideally both – from the player (client) and from the server itself.

You can access your log files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: "\Roaming\SpaceEngineers" for client logs and "\Roaming\SpaceEngineersDedicated" for the logs from the server.

Note that this is default path to the files, the actual destination can vary on your machine since you are using other means to run the server then the usual.

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department



Sorry for the late response.

By AMP Panel I mean this: CubeCoders | AMP - Game Server Control Panel

By the Steam server manager I did in fact mean to say the Space Engineers Dedicated Server app directly through your Steam Library. Both have been tested.

It was working fine in the past and this time we are in fact running the exact same server as last time. Everything is identical apart from the game being updated since then.

The crashes happen randomly. 1 person could play fine for hours on end, but as soon as 2-3 and even 4 people start playing then it would start crashing at random intervals.

The server crashes and kicks us to main menu.

We do run mods and scripts. We have discussed trying without scripts at first, but people have gotten so attached to that feature that they would rather not play than not be able to run scripts. With that said, most of the time we each only run 2-3 programmable blocks with scripts each. Inventory Manager, Automatic LCD's and PAM Auto miner. Maybe one or two is also running the Build And Repair script.

I'm now testing it through the Torch API server, and so far it seems to have settled down for the time being.

The server has been running without crash with 4 people playing now for 24 hours and still going.

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