Dedicated Server Remote API unable to start

Graeme Smith shared this bug 8 months ago
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My Dedicated Server will not start the Remote API.

I cannot connect to the Local Console (Labelled Remote Console) that comes with the Dedicated Server package.

I have run the AllowRemoteHttp.bat and receive the following response:

C:\spaceengineersdedi\VRAGE\DedicatedServer64>netsh http add urlacl url=http://*:/vrageremote/ user=

Url reservation add failed, Error: 87

The parameter is incorrect.


Press any key to continue . . .

Also tried adding Public IP with this response:

C:\spaceengineersdedi\VRAGE\DedicatedServer64>netsh http add url= user=

The following command was not found: http add url= user=.


Press any key to continue . . .

I could add the config file.

I need to add myself and my son as admin in the game we are currently using xbox's to play but both steam versions as well.

The Server is joinable and playable, but I cannot perform any admin capabilities because I cant add myself or anyone.

I would really appreciate your help I have been looking for weeks and have tried everything I know.

I have tried the Vrage Remote client no connection is ever available.

Replies (3)



Thank you for contacting us. Since this is a bug report, I'm moving your ticket to our support page, where our QA team will take care of you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Hello Graeme,

We sincerely apologize for the delayed response to this report.

Could we ask if this issue has already been resolved for you, or are you still experiencing it? If the issue still persists, please follow the steps below to resolve it ;

Resolving Remote API and Local Console Issues:

1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator :

Enter the following command, which reserves the URL for the Remote API (make sure you type it exactly as shown, with no extra spaces or missing characters) :

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8080/vrageremote/ user=Everyone

This command reserves the URL for all IP addresses on port 8080. You can replace 8080 with the desired port number. You should see a message indicating that the URL reservation was successfully added

2. Check Firewall Settings:

Make sure that port 8080 (or the port you choose) is open in your firewall settings. Here’s how to do it in Windows Firewall:

  • Open Control Panel.
  • Go to System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall > Advanced settings.
  • Create a new inbound rule for the port.

3. Update Configuration File:

Edit your SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg (you can find this file in your AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineersDedicated folder) file to include the following settings:



Save the changes to the configuration file.

4. Verify Vrage Remote Client Settings:

Ensure the Vrage Remote client is configured correctly with the right IP address, port number, and authentication details.

Steps to Add Xbox Players as Admins:

Add your and your son’s Xbox Live IDs under the Admins section of the SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg configuration file ;





Replace XboxUserID1 and XboxUserID2 with the actual Xbox Live IDs.

Save the changes to the configuration file. and restart your dedicated server. Check if the issue still persists.

Please let us know if the above steps have resolved the issue for you or not.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Keen Tech Support,

I have tried your instructions below to no avail.

I am still getting the message

“2024-08-09 17:57:06.803: Remote API unable to start. Run dedicated server in administrator mode or use AllowRemoteHttp.bat file. Also check nothing else is running on port 8080.”

in the Space Engineers Dedicated Server Application.

Step 1/

netsh command

I edited the AllowRemoteHttp.bat to contain the “netsh” command (copied and pasted from email).

I ran the AllowRemoteHttp.bat as an Administrator.

I received a response indicating that it has taken the configuration.

But subsequent running the Batch file didn’t allow another change it responded that file already exists.

I didn’t put my local IP in the command, I left it as all IPs, I assume on my Local Network.

My Local IP is where the Server is running.

I tried multiple ports from 8080 & 8001.

I am not sure how to remove the configuration settings, I tried a restart, but subsequent runnings of the above Batch file responded with file already exists.

It is currently set to port 8080.

Step 2/

Firewall settings

I use Avast Premium with a built in Firewall.

I configured the Firewall to allow the various ports I tried, 8080 & 8001.

I even set a range, but the default rule allows all ports and IPs for SpaceEngineersDediciated.exe.

Step 3/

Update Configuration file

The SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg is modified by the Dedicated Server application configuration and vice versa, so I tried both ways.

I have included the SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg file which has the settings you list below.

I just added my Local IP as you will see.

Step 4/

Verify Vrage Remote Client settings

These were set to http://localhost or with the correct Port Number and Security Key (copy & pasted).

But I cant connect to the Server via the Remote Client Tab (right next to the Console Tab) in the Space Engineers Dedicated Server application.

Probably because the Remote API is unable to start as reported in the Console window attached.

I am running Space Engineers Dedicated Server as an Administrator in an Instance but it doe not matter if its Local or an Instance.

The game I am running works on Steam no problem and as I can get my SteamID relatively easy; once you know how, I have added my and my son’s SteamID to be Admins in the game and it works beautifully.

But Xbox/Microsoft will not give me my Xbox ID number, so I cannot add our Xbox Ids so we can be made Admins our Xbox version in the Server.

Apparently Remote Connection is the only way I can find out those Ids.

Because I am able to be in front of my Server immediately I would have thought the built in Remote Client connection would be sufficient to get the Ids.

We can connect to an Xbox/EOS configured server no problems and play, just not as Admins.

I had to familiarise myself with the Server again; because it had been a while since I reported this, but I have tried various iterations of the above to no avail.

I am hoping you can help me get to the bottom of this, it ultimated seems that the Remote API cannot start.

Please let me know if you need anymore files sent to you.

Thank You.


Graeme Smith

New Comment


Dedicated Server Remote API unable to start


QA KeenSWH 2

Hello Graeme,
We sincerely apologize for the delayed response to this report.
Could we ask if this issue has already been resolved for you, or are you still experiencing it? If the issue still persists, please follow the steps below to resolve it ;
Resolving Remote API and Local Console Issues:
1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator :
Enter the following command, which reserves the URL for the Remote API (make sure you type it exactly as shown, with no extra spaces or missing characters) : netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8080/vrageremote/ user=Everyone
This command reserves the URL for all IP addresses on port 8080. You can replace 8080 with the desired port number. You should see a message indicating that the URL reservation was successfully added
2. Check Firewall Settings:
Make sure that port 8080 (or the port you choose) is open in your firewall settings. Here’s how to do it in Windows Firewall:

  • Open Control Panel.

  • Go to System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall > Advanced settings.

  • Create a new inbound rule for the port.

3. Update Configuration File:
Edit your SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg file to include the following settings:
Save the changes to the configuration file.
4. Verify Vrage Remote Client Settings:
Ensure the Vrage Remote client is configured correctly with the right IP address, port number, and authentication details.
Steps to Add Xbox Players as Admins:
Add your and your son’s Xbox Live IDs under the Admins section of the configuration file ;
Replace XboxUserID1 and XboxUserID2 with the actual Xbox Live IDs.
Save the changes to the configuration file. and restart your dedicated server. Check if the issue still persists.
Please let us know if the above steps have resolved the issue for you or not.
Kind Regards,
Keen Software House: QA Department


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