Survival - Gatling Guns Fire from Creation Location and Do Not Follow Ship Orientation

Wozzy shared this bug 8 months ago

Small grid ships, using stock vanilla gatling guns, the gatling guns "remember" their orientation from when they are first welded, and will shoot from their original build location and orientation regardless of the orientation and location of the ship they are on.

This state is permanent on dedicated server. This state is reproducible for the first bullet fired from the gun on single player.

We encountered this issue after many hours running a private server with mods. In order to diagnose I removed all mods in order to reproduce the behavior. With no mods, the behavior reproduces 100% of the time.

I attempted to reproduce this by copying the save to single player and running locally. Running locally the behavior reproduces 100% of the time, but only happens for the first bullet fired after the gun is built. It's identical in behavior to the server behavior except that the server behavior is permanent.

I can provide a zip of the world save but please provide guidance on how to do so as it is 40MB+ for the entire directory.


1) Build a small grid bare bones atmospheric ship on earthlike (5 atmo thrusters, 4 small batteries, controlseat, gyroscope)

2) Build one gatling gun facing a known direction onto the grid

3) Build some scaffolds of steel blocks that are in front of where the gatling gun is pointing (to observe the effect)

4) Enter the vehicle

5) On the vehicle toolbar assign block weapons - Gatling to a slot

6) Orient the vehicle away from the scaffolds in step #3

7) Fire using left click (or via "Shoot once") menu

Expect: One round to fire in the direction the gatling is currently facing

Actual: The round impacts and destroys/damages the scaffolds in front of where it was originally place

I am attaching a before and after example showing how the block is damaged after a change in orientation

Replies (3)


Further efforts to reproduce include using admin tools to delete all entities nearby leaving only test vehicles. Welding the test vehcile again repro'd the issue still. This leads me to believe there is something within the world that is causing a desync of the gatling guns.

Note autocannons are not affected.

Also, turning on creative mode to spawn the test ship, and place a gatling did not reproduce the behavior. However grinding the gatling down to scaffold and re-welding it did reproduce the effect even with creative tools enabled.


Hello, Woozy,

thank you for reaching our forum with this problem that you are experiencing.

Thank you for all the information that you provided. Issue was successfully reproduced on our side and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Engineer,

We’re pleased to inform you that this issue has been resolved in version 205.

As such, we’ll be closing this thread.

If you encounter any other issues with the game, please don’t hesitate to start a new thread here on the forum—we’re always happy to assist!

Happy engineering!

Kind regards,

Keen Software House - QA Department

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