Drones with AI Offensive block will target dead wolves

Umbratherios shared this bug 8 months ago

ok, so, let me explain... I made a simple drone to patrol my base and put two fixed auto cannons at the front. I gave it an AI Offensive block as well to help it locate and actually combat targets, however here's the issue: Upon locating wolves and laying waste to the general vicinity (and killing the wolf), it will then proceed to keep on shooting the wolf's corpse until it despawns.

TLDR: AI Offensive drones will target and shoot dead wolves with its fixed guns. this might extend to the sabiroids and turrets are not affected.

This is very easy to replicate: Make a drone with a movement AI, a Basic AI and an Offensive AI and let it shoot at wolves.

Replies (2)


Hello, engineer!

Thank you for reaching our forum with this issue and letting us know about it.

Issue was successfully reproduced on our side and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Awesomeness! Can't wait to see it fixed.


it's been 4 months, this bug is still present not fixed.


Hello Engineer,

We’re pleased to inform you that this issue has been resolved in version 205.

As such, we’ll be closing this thread.

If you encounter any other issues with the game, please don’t hesitate to start a new thread here on the forum—we’re always happy to assist!

Happy engineering!

Kind regards,

Keen Software House - QA Department

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