Zone does not prevent block deletion caused by damage if shooting is on

Jason McAlpin shared this bug 4 months ago
In Progress

Found on EU 1. havent tested it locally.

I pasted in this ship

turn on safe zone. turn on all permissions except damage. turn off the turrets to make things simple

spawn in any ship that shoots and position it so that it can hit the gambler. I just turned on shoot so I could just go inspect damage.

At some distances the guns will cause rep loss and do damage but at close distances (200m) the blocks just get deleted with no damage. its as if it is calculating if the damage would destroy the block then deletes it.

After further testing if I turn off ALL permissions the shots pass through the zone... they dont stop at edge like they should. But if I turn on shooting then the gambler takes damage.

I use the gambler here but I got complaints other people were seeing this issue with shots getting through the zone.

Replies (4)


Did the test locally and yes shots penetrate the zone if shooting is enabled

Used the gambler since it can be downloaded. but any ship with a zone will do. video shows before and after shooting is turned on in the zone


Hello, Jason!

Thank you for writing to us.

We noticed from the shared video link that you have MODs active in the world/server where you reproduced this issue locally. Could you kindly share more information on whether the issue persists even in a vanilla world/server (with no active MODs or scripts)?

If the issue still occurs in the vanilla world/server, is it the same issue as you noticed on EU#1?

Please send us a screen recording/video showing the issue in the vanilla world/server and the vanilla world/server save file.

  • You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves. Dedicated Server save file could be found in the AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineersDedicated\Saves folder.
  • Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


still works. I started fresh and used just the quickstart mission adding a reactor and zone only.

So this is what I tried.

Clicked Quickstart.

ALT+F10 turn on admin mode so I can paste stuff.

pasted zone + large reactor next to grinder pit. fill with appropriate fuel.

turn off guns on red base and ship

Turn zone on and set to 100 m

go out to blue ship and make owner space pirate. set guns to shoot propulsion.

I added toggle to bar to turn on shooting on artillery so I wouldn't have to mess with that once I got it aimed it would just shoot.

move ship in range of red base (600m or so)

shots disappear when they hit the zone.

I turn on shooting. Now shots penetrate from both sides. (side note the impact of the artillery spun the solar panel rotor so it was applying force to objects)

so far no damage.

Turn on damage for a few seconds then turn it off. the grids within the zone continue to take damage.

i go step by step with the quick start adventure and show what I did.


They've always penetrated the zone, they just go straight through and out the other side doing no damage, until now of course.


they uses to stop at the edge and even stopped at the edge when i first setup a test. But once i turn on shooting it looks like shots from both sides can now go through the zone. turn on damage and damage will continue to get through even after its turned back off. I noticed in my last tet that artillery was tearing off chunks but the gatling turret shooting at a relay barely did 3 steel plates worth of damage. so its like the damage isnt going through but it will still calculate if the block is destroyed or if its force getting through maybe once damaged they continue to deform and turning on damage just gave blocks a chance to deform a bit which was enough for the physics to still destroy them. Thruster damage still gets through shields so it could be something with non weapon damage.

Could be physics doing the damage since the gatling impacts dont apply physics. that's my guess.

I think the reason the gambler took damage was I used it in game for ages and it had minor damage and repairs before I blueprinted it so all the damage was already there.


I've replicated the issue.


1) Start new Red Ship v2 (Creative)

2) Place new Admin Safezone with following settings:

- Spherical

- Add Red Team faction to Whitelist

- Floating Objects to Blacklist

- Zone enabled

- Allow Damage

- Allow Shooting

3) Using Red Fighter, shoot side of crane (in or out of SZ) using Assault Cannon

4) Observe damage being done

5) Disable Damage on Admin Safezone

6) Using Red Fighter, shoot side of crane again (in or out of SZ) using Assault Cannon

7) Observe damage being done despite setting above

Notes: Issue is only reproducible if the grid in question is first shot with damage on and then shot with damage off with Assault Cannon or Railgun. This bug is observed with player Safezones and Admin Safezones.

Video of bug in action:


Hello, engineers!

We have successfully reproduced this issue on our side and put it into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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