Dedicated Server - cannot start with any mods enabled

laurin shared this bug 9 months ago


i'm experiencing an issue where dedicated server startup fails if any mods are enabled; when all mods are removed from the configuration in Sandbox_config.sbc the same server starts up.

Note that the same world with same mods works fine if i use the multiplayer integrated into the game (not dedicated).

This occurs in the following environments:

1. A "normal" win10 installation via steam and the DS-GUI application

2. For completeness this also happens in a linux docker / wine setup. This is where i would like to get the server running as i do not have a windows server.

Log file segment:

se-ds-docker | 2024-05-26 12:08:32.070: Loading Sandbox world configuration file Z:\appdata\space-engineers\instances\SE\Saves\NuiesSurvival2024-2\Sandbox_config.sbc
se-ds-docker | 2024-05-26 12:08:32.075: Sandbox world configuration file found, overriding checkpoint settings.
se-ds-docker | 2024-05-26 12:08:32.075: Downloading world mods - START
se-ds-docker | 2024-05-26 12:08:32.089: Downloading world mods - END
se-ds-docker | 2024-05-26 12:08:32.099: Unable to download mods. Result = Fail

Replies (3)



Thank you for contacting us. Since this is a bug report, I'm moving your ticket to our support page, where our QA team will take care of you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Hello, Engineer.

Sorry to hear you're experiencing issues.

As step 1, let's verify that the mods and platform match. Are you using Steam or EOS networking type? It's displayed at the bottom of the General tab in DSGUI. What platform are mods from? You can check in the mods tab, Steam mods are assigned as "Steam:id" and mods are "".

Both and Steam mods are available on the Steam networking type, only mods are available on EOS.

If those parameters match, please submit a full DS log file and a world you're attempting to load(full folder as a .zip)

Kind Regards

Keen Software House

QA Department


That was easy, indeed changing platform mode to "steam" seems to fix the issue.

Since this seems to be a very simple misconfiguration that i should not need tech support for, i suggest improvement to the error handling - incompatibility of those 2 XML values can easily be checked and logged.

Additional documentation would also be great - is there a document describing those network modes?

Thank you, and kind regards


Hello, Engineer,

thank you for your update about the situation on your side.

Happy to hear that everything is now working for you as well.

About the documentation about the dedicated server and its settings, you can always consult our guide:

If you would want to know something more, or something that is not mentioned there, it is always the best to try and ask around in our Discord servers.

Discord is used as a tool to help easily resolve issues in real-time or ask about some specific part/function of the game.

If you want to join, please take the following steps:

~Join our official Discord server

~You can find various servers divided by the area of interest. For your situation, I would suggest for example #help-se, #help-for-community-servers or #multiplayer-se Discord channels (or any other that seems also fitting your area of interest).

Will close this thread now.

Happy Engineering!

Kind Regards

Keen Software House

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