Thruster Damage Inside Safe Zones Since Signals Patch

Mithridates Rex shared this bug 5 months ago
In Progress

Last year I made a report to the Keen server admins that phantom damage was being caused to grids that are protected by safe zones (player and NPC alike). On some rare and random occasions this would cause the blocks to be deleted, by some means I couldn't determine. Before, this damage would lower the block integrity to zero percent, but not actually remove any components, and the two ways to "reset" the integrity was to grind and re-weld, or relocate from the area briefly.

However, since this latest patch this damage is no longer "phantom", and thrusters are able to remove components from grids that are inside any safe zone, causing them to drop below functionality and to be deleted entirely. I consider this to be a critical glitch that needs to be fixed ASAP.

Replies (3)


Hello, Mithridates!

Thank you for writing to us.

Could you kindly provide more information regarding this issue?

Did it occur in single-player mode, in a lobby, or on a dedicated server?

Was the world or server modded (having active MODs/Scripts)? If so, could you check if the issue persists in a vanilla (without any MODs/Scripts) world as well?

Additionally, was the entire grid completely within the safe zone, or was any part of it outside the safe zone?

Could you also please send us a screen recording/video showing the issue to help us replicate it on our end?

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


This was already reported internally and was purposefully not posted here earlier so others cant try to replicate this issue. Please remove this post as it teaches the scum of the game how to exploit others. Never ever post safezone destroying information here. Always go direct.

I already sent videos also


The damage occurs on the official Keen servers, and was observed on Keen CA#2. This has been observed by all players on that server, and occurs in all player-made safe zones. I have not yet tested it on an NPC station.

I will test later today to see if the damage continues in single player games. There are no mods, plugins or any other non-Vanilla systems active on my PC, as I primarily play on the Keen server.

The observed damage occurs when all grids are fully inside the safe zones, and the damage follows the hit box and range of the thrusters exactly. Multiple players have shared similar findings on that server, and unfortunately all of us have had to ban ships from visiting our bases until this is fixed. For added safety, I've had to relocate my safe zone underground, as someone could burn their way through the building where it normally resides. This is not feasible for those with space stations, as all it would take for someone to grief their base would be to get a thruster inside their zone.


Hello, Mithridates!

Thank you for sharing more information.

We have received a few other reports concerning similar issues, and some of them have already been reported internally. To confirm whether the issue you're experiencing is the same or a new one, could you please send us a screen recording/video showing the issue on our official servers? Additionally, let us know if you experience the issue when playing in single-player mode as well. If the issue persists in single-player mode, please send us the vanilla world save file.

  • You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.
  • Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello again, and sorry about the delayed response.

I tested for this glitch again each day since the weekend, on the Keen Official Server CA#2. On Saturday, May 25th, the thruster glitch causing damage inside active safe zones was again present, but was not occurring on Friday, May 24th, or the days following from the 26th to the 28th. Today (May 29th) the glitch was once again present on CA#2, after 10pm EST. I am including a video file of my testing from today, illustrating that the thrusters damage the grids, produce scrap, and then cause the blocks to be deleted, after a considerable spike in server latency that momentarily freezes the screen. This is exactly what I've witnessed on and off for the past two weeks since the signals patch was implemented.

Regarding offline testing in private games, I have not been able to reproduce this glitch away from the Keen servers. I can only deduce that it either rarely happens in private games, or it is a glitch peculiar to the official servers themselves.

As the video file doesn't wish to upload, here is a link to a Google Drive zip file. I hope this works, as I have rarely used this software over the last 12 years.



The glitch is again present on May 31st at 2:04 AM EST.


Update from June 1st-2nd. The thruster glitch was not present today, BUT the glitch that causes grids to take damage inside a safe zone with shooting enabled IS present today on CA#2.


Thruster glitch is again present on CA#2 on June 3rd, at 2:40 AM EST, after being absent since May 31st. Weapon damage was occurring inside the safe zones on June 2nd.

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