Turrets not responding to "focus locked target" command

Gardthal shared this bug 5 months ago

I've encountered the following issues with standard turrets and custom turrets:

- Continuing to fire on a target with no target lock and ai aiming radius set to 0m (ai aiming radius not working)

- Not changing targets when "focus locked target" command is issued from either the control panel or cockpit (turrets attempt to retarget but quickly return to original target and stop responding to the command)

Testing Environment:

- Standard "empty space" creative world.

- 3 simple targets set to enemy faction ~300m away and 50m apart

- Firing platform with 1 turret and control seat

- Damage disabled

Steps to replicate:

- let the turret target one of the 3 targets automatically using its ai

- Test turret with reduced ai distances

- While the turret is firing at one target, target lock another and attempt to make it change targets with the "focus locked target" command. Do this repeatedly every few seconds.

Replies (1)


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for reaching our forum with this issue. We've been unable to reproduce the issue so far. Could you please attach a world you're testing on? Or perhaps a video with the issue visible?

On our side the turret stops firing when the AI radius is reduced enough not to include any targets and switches when we press Focus Locked Target

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for the save and video. Issue was successfully reproduced on our side and reported into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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