Subgrid placement of non-armor blocks has been restricted around other grids since Signals update

Constantine Carlos shared this bug 9 months ago

did some testing, and found out that what used to be placeable on subgrids in close proximity to other grids has become restricted again in signals update. On the plus side, armor block placement was tightened around subgrids.

attached screenshots of comparisons between 1.203.6 and 1.204(live) versions

both tested in a fresh vanilla "Lone Survivor" world

Replies (5)


Confirmed, I am having this issue as well. I also cannot build directly off some modded blocks anymore. It's gotten a lot harder to build complex shapes with hinges and seal off any gaps that are created as a result. Not exactly pleased about it. I hope you'll fix this soon, Keen.


Hello, Constantine and other Engineers!

Thank you for letting us know about this problem and for providing all the information and screens.

Issue was successfully reproduced on our side and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Any info on some ETA for a fix or if this is a priority? as a detail subgrid focused player, this makes the game almost non playable for anything but basic shapes, all major projects are on hold


Issue has been partially fixed in up in 23/05/2024 Hotfix 1.204.018

Theres still room for improvement!, like why on earth can i not place this light... :p



Hello, Engineer,

happy to inform you that this problem is now fixed in v204.

Will close this thread now.

If you are experiencing any other problem with the game, please let us know by opening new thread here on the forum.

Happy Engineering!

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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