[1.203.630.b0] Deactivated AI Defensive block triggers Flee Away action after reaching Waypoint

Azor shared this bug 12 months ago

VERSION: 1.203.630.b0

When an AI Defensive block Flee Destination is set to Away From Target, and it has detected an enemy grid once, it will trigger its Flee Destination: Away From Target, after it reaches the last recorded waypoint on an AI Recorder, even after that enemy grid no longer exists or has been disabled (therefore even when it does not detect anything). It remembers that grid's last location.

This continues to happen even if that Defensive Block is turned off, its AI Behaviour is turned off and no enemies are detected. The only two ways to stop it are to either destroy it or change its Flee Destination to GPS/Beacon. Once destroyed, ship will move as intended.


-Create a ship with AI Flight, AI Defensive and AI Recorder blocks.

-Record at least one way point on your AI Recorder.

-Set AI Flight - AI Behaviour On

-Set these to your Defensive block:

---Flee Trigger - Always

---AI Behaviour - On

---On, Flee Destination - Away From Target

---Flee Distance: 100m (you can leave it at 2500 m but it's easier to see what's happening if you reduce it)

-Play AI Recorder. (It should still correctly move to waypoint and stop at this point)


-Create an enemy block within Defensive Block detection range. Your ship should start fleeing.

-Delete or destroy enemy block. Your ship should stop at this point.

-Now, with AI Behaviour still On, play the AI Recorder. Your ship should now move to waypoint, but instead of stopping at its last recorded waypoint, it will fly away from that enemy block's last location (even though it does not exist!) by the set Flee Distance and stop. If you play the AI Recorder again, the same thing will happen.

HOW TO STOP THAT BEHAVIOUR, i.e. stop the ship from fleeing after reaching last recorded waypoint:


-OR Remove the AI Defensive block.

-OR Set Fleet Destination to GPS/Beacon.

-OR stop Behaviour AND copy and paste that ship. (Copy-pasted ship will be "clean" and will correctly stop at last waypoint.)

WHAT DOES NOT STOP THAT BEHAVIOUR, i.e. ship will continue to flee after reaching final waypoint despite these actions:


-Turn off Defensive block.

-Turn off Defensive Block AI Behaviour.

-Set Flee Trigger to Never.

-Change Subsystem setting.



Ship near beacon is still "clean", i.e. will stop at final waypoint.

2 Ships away from beacon are already "dirty", i.e. will flee after reaching final waypoint.

Replies (2)


Hello, Azor!

Thank you for letting us know about this.

Issue was successfully reproduced on our side and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Engineer,

We’re pleased to inform you that this issue has been resolved in version 205.

As such, we’ll be closing this thread.

If you encounter any other issues with the game, please don’t hesitate to start a new thread here on the forum—we’re always happy to assist!

Happy engineering!

Kind regards,

Keen Software House - QA Department

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