Repair contract not giving rewards

loran shared this bug 13 months ago
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On an officially hired server from GTX gaming, we tried doing two repair missions for the STIV faction on a station around the moon. i accepted the contract, my friend and i went to the broken ship and repaired it with a small welding vessel. After the repairs were finished, the ship jumped away. However, upon returning to the station, there were no active contracts to complete and we didnt get the money/compensation for it. Is this a known bug?

Replies (1)


Hello, loran!

Thank you for writing to us and we sincerely apologize for the issue you have experienced.

We attempted to replicate the issue on our end, and we were able to complete repair contracts without any issues.

Could you kindly provide more details about the issue you have experienced? For instance, what was your reputation with the faction from where you acquired the contract? Was it hostile or low? We suggest trying to take contracts from a faction station with whom you have a neutral or friendly relationship to check if the issue still persists.

Also, was the server modded (has active MODs)? If so, it is quite possible that the issue might have occurred due to MODs.

Did you encounter issues with completing other category of contracts too?

Did you try restarting the server, that could also resolve the issue?

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


I will try to be as specific as possible:

In the event of it not working the reputation was neutral. I am in a faction and my friend is also in the same faction. I was the one who accepted the contract. We flew to the location together. We both put the parts that were needed for the repairs into the blocks manually, and i finished the repairs with a ship with a welder. After this the ship flew away but we didnt get the reward.

Currently we are playing without mods, but we do have BETA on so we can use scripts. however, so far the only scripts we have used are the ones showing information on LED panels.

I tried doing another repair contract afterwards and only used my ship to repair, in this case i got the reward and it seemed to work normally. I have not had other contracts bug out like this before.

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