Custom Turret forgets the weapons: Server Keen DE #6, version 1.203.505

Janek Briel shared this bug 13 months ago

Hello support team,

I play on the Keen server DE#6 and have built a base on Europe.

On this base there is a custom turret with 2 warfare miniguns and 4 autocannons.

My miner is docked

The base has an AI Defense Block to increase the range for the assault gun.

I've noticed that my Custom Turret keeps forgetting its assigned weapons.

It always happened when I was about 500m or more away from the base and the base was no longer in sight.

It also happens when I log out and log back in later, a period of 1 minute is enough.

I tested it several times today.

I also tried to test whether it's because I always dock and undock with my miner or whether the type of weapons assigned plays a role, unfortunately with no result.

Link for my Base:

Please check this: Thank you

Replies (7)


Hello, Janek,

thank you for re-posting this thread in English.

Thank you for providing the blueprint of the base and all the other information. I was able to reproduce this issue successfully on our end and I have reported it internally.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Mine forgets the Weapons sometimes too, but I cannot reproduce it and it doesn't happen every Day.

It seemingly appears to be just random.


I think it happens mostly when some Blocks like Drills or Weapons get Damaged and then Repaired.

Or when a Damaged Drill get's repaired and then Connected to the Grid via Connector.

But Istill can't reproduce it when I try.


An identical bug occurs on Server NA #11. Custom Turret Controller forgets assigned weapons when logging out / logging in. Unable to replicate the issue in single-player.


Alright, now I too have a Ship which has that Problem every login.

And additional sometimes when I repair something I think.


My Rover now has it at every Login too.


Hello, Engineer,

happy to inform you that this problem is now fixed in v204.

Will close this thread now.

If you are experiencing any other problem with the game, please let us know by opening new thread here on the forum.

Happy Engineering!

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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