Group names should be specific to the blocks assigned not global

Mozo shared this bug 14 months ago
Need More Information

Any game version SP/MP and Survival/Creative

When assigning a 'Group Name' to f.ex batteries on a ship you select the batteries in a list and give the 'group' a name.

Place the group on the hotbar f.ex Recharge On/Off and dock the ship to a base.

Take a blueprint with Shift-Ctrl+B

Now make another ship from the blueprint either by welding one or by creative means.

Now dock that ship to another connector on the base.

When you hit the hotbar for 'Recharge' those batteries, go check the first ship to find the batteries are now not recharging.

The hotbar action applies to both ships as they share the same group name. This essentially renders 'groups' unusable in a situation where more than one of the same vehicle (drones) is to be used !

TLDR; group names should be specific to the item-id they are attached to and not to a generic name f.ex "Battery 1"

Replies (6)


Hello, Mozo,

thank you for reaching our forum with this problem.

Can you please provide me more information on this?

I have tried to follow the steps that you wrote, but my outcome is different to yours.

After I had one ship and the base ready, I set up the group on the hot-bar connect the ship to the base, and use the other instance of the same ship to connect to the same base a little later. Once both ships with the same groups are connected to the base, after pressing the key assigned to hot-bar, the action is synced on my side – both ships are re-charging (or switch back to Auto) properly and together, when pressing the hot-key on both grids after connecting.

From your text, I do understand, that the batteries groups are switched differently ("...go check the first ship to find the batteries are now not recharging.").

Can you please provide me more information?

It would be best if you can share me a video of this issue along with detailed steps to reproduce and some save with grids with which I would be able to reproduce this issue on my side as well.

You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.

Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I will use the vanilla save that i've used on other tickets but will need some time to set up a test. In the meantime here are two timestamps from my YouTube series which nicely demonstrate the problem.

This one shows the batteries giving faulty results:

And this one clearly shows a damaged thruster which is on another ship and once ground off going back to the first ship shows no damaged thruster:


Turns out it was easier to reproduce than i thought.

Attached is a vanilla SP save with two identical ships, i painted one blue for easier identification.

Load save game and jump into the Blue cockpit

Note the hotbar state of thrusters and batteries

switch the thrusters off

jump into the Red cockpit note the hotbar state - the thrusters are off

switch the thrusters on and put the batteries on Recharge

now go back to the Blue cockpit

Note the thrusters are now on again but also the batteries are now on Recharge.

I rest my case ;)


I think that Keen is missing the point. A group on 2 different ships should not be come the same group just because they are connected to the same grid, unless this is specifically requested.

Groups should have different types:

Local - only ever used on the same grid, two ships connected together, with the same group names should not suddenly be sharing the group. Merge blocks will probably still make these two groups the same.

Shared with subgrids - so shared across pistons, rotors etc.

Global - shared across all connection types, (pistons etc, connectors)


This is intended functionality and should not change as it would break an immense amount of builds.

If you want to have what your asking, its very simple:

Add all the batteries (or blocks you wanted to have grouped) to a timer block with the function you want and use "trigger now" on the hotbar

Thats how to setup blocks individually and it will follow the blueprint.

Your usecase does not show you how useful this feature is. but it would be horrible for many of my builds if this was changed to what your suggesting.

Different type of groups, kinda like how privacy filters on a facebook post work like Tilleen suggested could be a nice quality of life ammendment, but that would be a post to add to "suggest feedback" as this is not a bug, but intended functionality


It could be implemented with out breaking anything, if done carefully.

Yes you could do it that way.

But for batteries, that would mean a timer block for each of recharge, auto, and discharge, so could have 10s of batteries in each. If a battery gets broken it would then need to be added into each of those timer blocks. It is easier to create a group then drag a block (which all look the same) to a timer.

How often do you use groups that work across separate ships. I never have.

Yes, it may not be a bug, but it is not a good way of working.


I use it a lot when i build functional things like custom gates or deployable landing gears with subgrids and moving parts.

the groups are add to timers on a logic board for simplicity (you can move the logic board wherever you want on the ship) with one logic board, you can copy paste landing gear or gates to several spots on a ship. and since all grouping remains, they work across multiple copy pastes to the same ship.

I get that i wouldnt want to trigger landing gears on two ships at the same time, but if i make a second ship, i would select the groups on the new ship and call that group landing gear/gate ship 2 or similiar and make a new logic board for ship 2

Some things would be better, some things would be worse depending on usecase, so a compromise would be a local or global group as an example


Actually Kenneth i think you have missed my point (and yes i know how to use timers but it's inconvenient to have a timer icon on the hotbar where there should be a battery).

It would not break ANY builds unless the builder has been misinterpreting how groups *should* work and 'using' the bug to their advantage.

Case example:

You build a drone/missile in order to make a blueprint so that you later can use it as multiples, perhaps firing missiles one after the other. You build a bank of launchers then load up the 'identical' missiles using the one blueprint. ANY group command on ANY missile will equally affect ALL the other missiles IF they are part of the same grid via connectors (and/or possibly merge blocks).

This CANNOT be right !

If i 'choose' to group say... several timers together across multiple grids that's great. The problem here is that if the group name is the same they all act as one group.


I use it a lot when i build functional things like custom gates or deployable landing gears with subgrids and moving parts.

the groups are add to timers on a logic board for simplicity (you can move the logic board wherever you want on the ship since its referring to the group names) with one logic board, you can copy paste landing gear or gates to several spots on a ship. and since all grouping remains, they work across multiple copy pastes to the same ship.

I get that i wouldnt want to trigger landing gears on two ships at the same time, but if i make a second ship, i would select the groups on the new ship and call that group landing gear/gate ship 2 or similiar and make a new logic board for ship 2

Some things would be better, some things would be worse depending on usecase, so a compromise would be a local or global group as an example

for your example with the missile bank, you could make X amount of indiviual missiles as individual blueprints, each with a unique group, or an array of X amount of missiles connected to eachother with predetermined unique groups from 1->X depending on what you want.

Its just different ways of using the grouping system depending on usecase.


This is now listed as "Needs More Information", what more information can i give ?

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