[1.203.024] Client Slow Simulation

Slushtrap Gamer shared this bug 18 months ago
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Something is faulty when simulating a client environment. Apparently, the client can start to simulate slower than the server despite the game running at optimal framerate and is in no way overloaded. The attached blueprint shows a tested way to get this behavior to manifest; simply move to a position similar as depicted in the pictures and the clients simulation should inexplicably slow down. When testing as a listen server, the client did not experience such a heavy drop in simulation speed, despite being the actual host. Another picture shows this behavior can eventually spread, making the game near impossible to play due to abnormally slow physics simulation, despite almost nothing in the world. Though not entirely certain as to why, it appears to be tied to simulating weapons on the clientside.

Replies (2)


Hello, Slushtrap Gamer

I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to reproduce it. I tried pasting the blueprint in both single-player and multiplayer worlds, and also joined with a second account, but I didn't observe a drop in simulation speed during any of my attempts.

Can you please provide me with a save file, where you also experience the same slow simulation?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Its not tied to any particular world, the only condition is that it happens as the client, not as server / host.

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