Thrustered subgrid fluctuations on rotor

Andrew Vernus shared this bug 18 months ago

Replies (1)


Hello, Andrew,

thank you for reaching our forum with the problem that you are experiencing.

Can you please provide me more information about the issue and how does it look/behave at your end?

Just from the text you provided, I was not able to determinate how best to help you or what the issue is.

Could you please provide a short summary of the issue you are experiencing?

Please provide me reliable steps to reproduce and screenshot/video recording of the issue, describing how to trigger it and try to describe me what exactly is wrong.

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department




  1. Build base grid with blocks of your choice, with power block
  2. Place any rotor on the base grid
  3. Place "lever" at the rotor
  4. Place a thruster at the end of the lever
  5. Toggle the rotor off
  6. Set an override to the thruster

The issue reproduces with any type of thrusters with and without gravitation (atmospheric ones work on planets only of course).

Thank you for your work


Hello, Andrew,

thank you so much for the steps and video.

With the additional information, the issue was successfully reproduced on our side and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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