Timer Block not activated by AI Recorder's waypoint action

Candy shared this bug 17 months ago


I have created a mining drone using AI Recorders. The problem I have is that sometimes the recorder doesn't trigger an action when reaches the Waypoint. When the drone reaches Waypoint 1, the recorder isn't triggering the actions. It just disables AI behaviour and stucks above the ground.


AI Recorder (Task) - Shaft has 1 Waypoint0 with action that triggers "BMD Start Drilling/Go To Docking Timers" group of timers. The "Timer Block - Go To Docking" timer is a part of this group and is responsible for starting the drone docking procedure. It is not tirggered due to the bug.

How drone works:

The drone starts drilling the shaft. When detects low hydro/full cargo, activates Shaft Recorder, goes to Waypoint0, then activates Docking Recorder and docks. After refueling/empting the cargo repeats the mining procedure. The problem occurs ocasionally on the Waypoint 1 (above the circle).

All of the AI blocks have been disabled prior configuration.

Additionaly the recorder's path behavior is sometimes erratic. I have been removing AI blocks and reconfiguring them multiple times, with very unpredictable results. The problem with eratic pathfinding seem to happen more often with slightly bigger load of CPU.

Replies (9)


Hello, Candy

Thank you for the world save and your report. I tested the behavior several times and also let the drone mine until the hydrogen run out. However I have not experienced the drone stopping above the shaft or disabling the behavior.

Can you please provide me with a save file where the drone is fully setup and all of the necessary blocks are turned on? It might be possible, that because I turned them on, the bug stopped appearing. Sharing a video where you also demonstrate the steps to reproduce and the bug itself would be also a great help.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department



Thank you for your responce. I have recorded video showing the bug on vanilla new world, on default settings.


1. I pasted the blueprint from workshop:


2. I chose the reference beacons for both AI Recorder blocks.

3. I started the mining sequence with the button.

4. The drone starts drilling until it's full or run out of hydrogen.

5. Once that happens the AI Behavior of AI Shaft Move and AI Shaft Recorder is turned on. The Play is turned on.

6. The drone starts to go to Waypoint 1.

7. The AI Shaft Recorder is supposed to Start the Timer Block - Go To Docking, once it reaches Waypoint 1.

7. For some reason it doesnt happen every time.

It's very inconsistent. Sometimes the timer gets started, sometimes it isn't. When you open the terminal and look at the Timer Block - Go To Docking - it starts once Waypoint 1 is reached. When you try that again, but this time close the terminal, the timer doesn't start.

I have been testing the drone behavior multiple times. The Timer Block - Go To Docking is triggered only by the Recorder's waypoint. The timer is turned on beforehand. Yet still it doesn't start. I really have no other explanation for this other than some in-game bug. Also I can't really fix the issue myself, thus can't publish the BP.

I am looking for your responce. Please refer to the AI Logic graph provided above, to better understand how the drone is set up. I hope I helped this time.

Best regards


So, did you manage to recreate the issue?


I have exactly the same issue I have been trying to fix in the past 3 days, and I made a simplified world save to 100% reproduce the bug.

World save: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3041933026 (When it get accepted by the moderation)

- Atmospheric and planet gravity (not tested in space)


1- Press the start button

-> Trigger the timer block "Start"

-> Unlock Connector, Enable "AI Move Slow", Play "AI Recorder Land"

2- At "AI Recorder Land" last Waypoint

-> Trigger Timer Block "Lock"

-> Lock The connector

-> Turn Off AI Behaviour for AI Move Slow (This bug 100% on my dedicated server, Couldn't reproduce on Single player yet)

-> Start timer for timer block "unlock"

3- End Of timer block "unlock"

-> Unlock the connector

-> Turn On AI Behaviour for AI Move Slow

-> Play AI Recorder "takeoff"

4- At "AI Recorder Take Off" Last Waypoint

-> Trigger Timer Block "Fly Away" (This does not get triggered, 100% of the time!)

-> Turn Off "AI Recorder Take Off" Behaviour

-> Turn Off "AI Move Slow"

-> Turn On "AI Move Fast"

-> Play "AI Recorder Fly Away"

5- Check that the timer block is NOT badly setup

-> Remote (terminal) into the drone

-> trigger Timer Block "Fly Away" by hand

-> Drone is gone as it should have in step 4!

No Mods are involved.

In my Dedicated server ( I couldn't reproduce in Solo play yet with less blocks, so no save games to share), 178ms ping, At step 2, the drone never turn off the AI behaviour of the move block despite doing all the others actions of the timer block. I would need to remove mods, connected grids etc slowly to figure out what the issue is.


Thank you, UbioZur. This is exactly the same issue I'm dealing with. Somehow the AI Recorder block can't start timers reliably. I launched your world and managed to recreate the problem after 3rd attempt. The Switch Mode timer doesn't start. It seems, that the problem appears only if you are not connected to the grid's terminal.


Third attempt!

I get it 100% on my side... May be more difficult to track down for the dev then.

For me, connected to the terminal, remote connection or remote control block, it doesn't matter, That's how I tracked down the bug, through the remote control and the terminal.


Hello Candy,

Thanks to the blueprint from UbioZur I was able to reproduce the issue and I reported it into our internal system.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


I'm experiencing the same bug still. It makes the recorder useless since triggering these actions is essential for it's functionality most of the time. I think this must be one of the most urgent issues right now. If it doesn't get fixed in the next update, the new relay (or whatever it's called) block will lose at least half of its potential. I have hope.


Damn... soooow has somebody already a sollution?


I finally found the problem.

When i moved the remote control block 1 block futher up front, my basic block finally triggert my timer block.

Maybe this could be you sollution for now.

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