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Character Sliding On Slight Incline

David W shared this bug 18 months ago
Won't Fix

World: Mars

When walking around and standing on the terrain, the character slides in a very strange jolt, bit by bit. This is unusual and i have not seen this issue before.

Incline is generally gradual but not limited to.

Somewhat sickening due to the jolting on the camera.

Replies (3)


Hello, David,

thank you for letting us know about this.

I have not experienced any issue as you are describing, when trying on my side.

Is this issue limited to certain area, hill... anything like that? Or do you experience this issue everywhere on the planet?

Is Mars the only planet where you experienced this issue? Or does it happen to you on other planets as well?

Can this issue be observe exclusively (or more) in 1st person, or with 3rd person camera view?

Are you using and mods, or is the game in vanilla state (no mods)? If you are using mods, can you reproduce this issue on non-modded world as well?

Can you please share me a video showing this issue and the save file of your game where this issue can be observed? Please save the world on place where this issue can be reproduced or mark it e.g. with GPS.

You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.

Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


The issue is generally limited to slight inclines, i normally encounter them with mining but also on small hills.

Scenario, flying out of a mine shaft and turning off jetpack just before ground landing with a thump near a rover on a slight incline which is caused by mining with a hand help mining drill with the right trigger. First person is somewhat sickening, third person the movement is perceivable but not sickening.

I am not certain how to give you a video at the moment, so i have included my world.

I can't say i have tried other worlds as of yet since the update.

I normally play on Moon and Earth, so Mars was a change.

I am using mods, i will include a screenshot of the mods i am using for this world.

Various mineshafts should be available on my world near the resource markers i have made.


Hello, David,

thank you for the world save. I am not sure if I was at the right spot, so I am including a screenshot from my play testing. Can you please tell me if this is the location you are referring to?

I had to deactivate all of the mods and did not experience any sliding with my character. Can you please also deactivate them and test out the behavior?

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello engineer,

as there has been no reply to this thread in some time, we will close it. If you're experiencing this issue, please create a new thread.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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