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Can't use the dlcs while offline, no skins etc

john runningway shared this feedback 19 months ago

This is very bad.  I bought the game and all it's dlcs and can't even use them while offline.  This is very anti-consumer.  The game works offline but none of the dlcs do.

Can you please make all the dlcs work offline.  This is very bad.


Replies (8)



Thank you for contacting us. Since this is a bug report, I'm moving your ticket to our support page, where our QA team will take care of you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


I've logged a new feature request ( I would be grateful if you would refrain from re-filing that one as a bug; I'm hoping that somebody might look at the feasibility of changing this situation, rather than saying it works as intended. I'm hoping to change the intention. Many thanks.


Hello, john,

thank you for letting us know about this issue that you are experiencing.

Can you please provide me more information?

Please take into account the fact that some parts of the game (character skins, blocks paint) are not working when playing in Offline mode (Steam set to Offline); as these items are stored in your Steam account inventory, you can not use these in game, when not logged in/connected to the inventory.

So this part is actually working as expected.

Can you please verify that the skins (character, blocks) are working, when Steam is set back to Online mode?

But you are also mentioning DLCs. Can you please tell me exactly what is wrong in the game regarding the DLCs? Those should not be affected by the Online/Offline mode of the Steam. So having more exact information (screens, videos...) that are explaining and showing this issue would help.

I have tried it on my side as well, and even when Steam is set to Offline mode, all DLCs are present in the game and I can place/use/build all the blocks from the DLCs without any issues.

Thank you in advance for any additional information.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Why are block paint skins in the Steam inventory? They can't be purchased or traded, and don't seem to take any advantage at all of the Steam system. How do the consoles handle skin availability? I'd love to be able to use all the skins I've paid for in my offline game.


Hi Keen,

I know that's the issue.  I just reported that it's the issue.  What more information do you need.  The skins, textures etc are not working while offline.  I spent good money to buy all the DLCs and the base game to support you guys but the DLCs aren't working offline.  This is false advertising and anti-consumer.  The DLCs are there in the game directories, it seems based on researching online that the game can load the textures if you selected them while online and then play offline, but when you play offline you can't set any character suits or textures.  Just change the logic to let the user select the suits and skins while offline, it seems everything else is already there offline, yet you refuse to fix the game.  This is ridiculous.  How can you say that it's working as expected.  The DLCs are BROKEN.  While doing research when I ran into this issue, I came across lots of people complaining about it.  How can you care so little about your product and customers.  It seems like it should be a simple fix yet this has existed since at least 2019.  There are youtube videos about how bad this is.

I just bought this game with all the DLCs.  I know some are cosmetic but I bought them anyway to support you guys only to find out they are broken in offline mode.  I didn't even bother learning the complex game you have because I found out that offline doesn't work.  I can't tell you what doesn't work in game aside from what I already told you, no skins, suits, hemlets, textures appear while offline but they do when online.  Everything is already there on your hard drive while offline, can't you just add a bit of logic to let the user select the suits, helmets, skins, textures while offline?




You are not listening to what I am saying.  The skins and textures are the DLCs that I paid for from your company.  They are not working offline.  Your DLCs contain player costumes, skins, textures for blocks in game etc.   Those are all not working while offline.  It doesn't matter that they are in steam account inventory.  You chose to implement it that way.  You could code your game to make them available offline too.  They are all apparently already on the user's computer so the game has them because they should show up while offline if you selected them while online from what I researched.  So just change your code to show all the player costumes and textures for things while offline.  It can't be very hard given that all the textures and skins are already locally available.  This is what I am asking for.  It's insane to pay for all that DLC which is mostly cosmetic and not have it available in offline mode.  Please don't say again that's it's expected behavior.  It's not expected for a user to pay money for dlcs that are missing all their content while offline.  If there are new blocks and other things in the dlcs, how is a user to know what else is broken while in offline mode?  This leaves a really bad taste in users mouths.  Lots of people have complained about this in the past.  Just fix it please.  This is really bad anti-consumer behaviour.  Tell me, how hard is it to let the users select costumes and textures while offline given that it's all there already on the hard drive?  I bought all the dlcs to support you guys as they are mostly cosmetic suits and textures from what I read and they don't even work offline.


Hello, Engineers,

thanks for your replies.

However, after further consultation also within other teams, this really isn't a bug.

Since you are in the Offline mode, you are technically also not legged-in. Then, it is obvious, that you have no access to the Steam inventory.

And since the things that you are mentioning (skins, paint) are saved in the inventory, which you don't have access to when Offline, the game has nowhere to load those from.

As you can see, this is not a bug. Will close this thread now.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department



Did you see this:

Brian RonaldNEW!

Why are block paint skins in the Steam inventory? They can't be purchased or traded, and don't seem to take any advantage at all of the Steam system. How do the consoles handle skin availability? I'd love to be able to use all the skins I've paid for in my offline game.

Hello, Engineers,

as stated above, this is not a bug, not broken behavior. It is working as intended.


You cannot access Skins/Armor when offline because you cannot access your steam inventory.

Steam inventory is only accessible when online.


Saves are stored in Saves/[Steam USER ID]

Steam provides this User ID when you are online.

If you are offline there is a workaround to get saves to work.


Place save files in a folder Saves/1234567891011/

This will give you access to saves in offline play.

I will also move this thread to the Feedback section for you now.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House

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So you aren't willing to support your customers.  Good to know what type of developers you are.  I'm not the only one asking for this.  Just do a google and youtube search on this issue.  there are lots of people that want this.  There is no reason to not make these available while in offline mode.  As others have said, you can't sell or buy skins so there is no reason to use steam inventory.  

Just to be clear, you the developers decided to use steam inventory.  It was your choice and after lots of complaints from people online, you refuse to fix it.

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