The hinge can be rotated 360 using a script

Xardkort shared this bug 20 months ago

        public Program()
            Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update100;
        public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource)
            List<IMyMotorStator> rotors = new List<IMyMotorStator>();
            foreach (var r in rotors)
                r.UpperLimitRad = float.MaxValue;
                r.LowerLimitRad = float.MinValue;
LowerLimitRad - Gets or sets the lower angle limit of the rotor in radians. Set to float.MinValue for no limit.

Replies (3)


I just discovered that you can set any value > 90 / < -90


Hello, Xardkort,

thank you for the script and images. I reported the issue into our internal system.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Engineer,

We’re pleased to inform you that this issue has been resolved in version 205.

As such, we’ll be closing this thread.

If you encounter any other issues with the game, please don’t hesitate to start a new thread here on the forum—we’re always happy to assist!

Happy engineering!

Kind regards,

Keen Software House - QA Department

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