Paste ownership does not keep authorship

Gorwyn shared this bug 21 months ago

In the Admin Tools, the checkbox for "Keep original ownership on paste" does not keep authorship, as noted by the tooltip.

This is a major inconvience for Admins as using the checkbox will keep device ownership but the grid will lose PCU/authorship.

With this in mind, it means that a player must be online to recieve their PCU back from a repasted grid, which causes issues if there is mixed authorship from other faction members or alt accounts.

The attached video shows this in action alongside a screenshot of the tooltip.

This bug has also been submitted 4 years ago on:

Replies (2)


Any grid that is repasted with this either from copy / paste on a server or from Blueprint, will not appear in any player's PCU list.

To correctly assign the PCU, you need to turn the option off then paste the grid so that you own the PCU. You an then transfer this to the correct player. If the grid is above the PCU or Block limit for the server though, this is not possible.


Hello, Gorwyn!

Thank you for writing to us.

After discussing internally, we would like to inform you that the "Keep original ownership on paste" has an incorrect tooltip that states "When grid is pasted keep original ownership and authorship". Technically using this function, it's not possible to keep the authorship of the pasted grid. We have reported about incorrect tooltip internally, and it will be addressed further.

Concerning the PCU issue, we have successfully reproduced it and reported it to our internal system as well.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Thank you for checking this for me.

The ability to keep authorship/PCU to a copied grid would be majorly helpful in admin efforts within Official and Community Servers alike.

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