Conveyor Sorter inventory "back-filling" from output side

Christoph Lipka shared this bug 22 months ago
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Alt-MMB dropping items into a conveyor network may dump into Conveyor Sorters from their back end.

I have a network of conveyors containing the following set-up:

|                                                  |
+-->>--A-->>--+                                    |
|             |      *                         *   |
                        |      |                   |
                        |      +-->Ingots>--C-->>--+
                      (...)    |                   |
A    = Assembler
C    = Container
R    = Refinery
>XY> = Conveyor Sorter (passing only XY)
>>   = Conveyor Sorter (no restrictions)
+    = junction
*,#  = contraptions of interest
The "Ore" and "Ingots" sorters are each set up to whitelist "*Ore*" and "*Ingots*" respectively; the "Other" sorter is set up to blacklist both "*Ore*" and "*Ingots*"; all other sorters, including the one marked with an asterisk (*), are set up to blacklist nothing. All sorters have "drain all" disabled.

The container marked with an asterisk (*) is the designated access point to the conveyor network. Notably, this is the point where I drop off excess components via Alt-MMB.

Expected Behavior:

- When Components are deposited at the container marked with an asterisk(*) using Alt-MMB, they should be stored in that container itself.

- Alternatively, the items should end up in either the container marked with a hash(#), or the Assembler, or the portion of the network marked as "(...)".

Observed Result:

- Deposited components happen to routinely end up in the inventory of the Conveyor Sorter marked with an asterisk(*).

- This even happens if the sorter is specifically set up to whitelist "*Ore*" only.

After double- and triple-checking my conveyor network and doing a few experiments, I am convinced that the components must be deposited in that sorter from the back end, via the "-->Other>--C-->>--" branch.

See attached save game;.

Replies (3)


I'm just noticing that in the save submitted, two of the sorters in the conveyor network are currently turned off (the output sorters of the "Items" and "Other" sorage branch); please turn them back on before toying around with the save; I had turned them off after running into the problems as part of my attempts to troubleshoot the issue, and just forgot to turn them back on again to re-establish the nominal setup,


Hello, Christoph Lipka,

thank you for contacting us. Do you think that this player was experiencing similar issue to yours:

If not, could you kindly provide me with screenshot from the save itself, where you describe your problem? It is quite complicated to link the letter map you created with the build you made. Just marking the blocks and desired outcome from bird view would be a great help for me.

Thank you in advance,

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


I'm very positive that this is not an infinite loop situation - I'm well aware of that problem, and went to great lengths to try and avoid it.

Re your request for a screenshot, I'm a bit short on time at the moment, so it may take me a few days to come back to it.

Meanwhile, I'm noticing that despite my best efforts the ASCII diagram is rendered in a non-monospace font, and therefore looks all garbled; but I trust that you already realized that and managed to work around it, and that your struggle to map it to the base in the savegame is due to other reasons - probably because the layout of the ASCII diagram is based on functional flow, rather than actual location in the base.

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