[1.202] Remote Control block loses autopilot waypoints after flying them (repro save included)

Brian Ronald shared this bug 18 months ago

The autopilot in the Remote Control (the "legacy" one) clears its waypoints after completing a run. This makes it now very much a once-only autopilot. Considering the additional complexity that can be added to waypoints, this has removed some functionality from the game that has not been re-introduced with the Automatons AI blocks:

  • Multiple actions per waypoint
  • Action to change Forward direction at waypoint

I have published a saved game which reproduces the problem. After loading the game, find the ship's remote control in the terminal, and switch on the autopilot. It will work through its waypoints, changing speed and direction as required to dock. Once it reaches the final waypoint, the list of waypoints is cleared completely.

Adding new waypoints is not a work-around; the waypoints will be cleared once again after the last waypoint is reached.

I first noticed this issue in a multiplayer game. The Remote Control's autopilot was reliable before the Automatons update, retaining its waypoint list between runs as expected.

Replies (9)


I can concur, upon reaching the final waypoint, waypoints do indeed get deleted out of the remote control, you can watch it happen before your eyes through the control panel. I have tried two different game saves, two different drones.


Ditto. I have a small drone that flies from main base to an ice mining station, picks up ice and flies back to main base. As noted above it will now only fly this mission once before losing all waypoints.


Hello, Brian Ronald,

thank you for the save. I was able to reproduce the bug and I reported it into our internal system.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


I would also add that the control block did not retain it's waypoints when welded from a blueprint. This has changed drastically my automated drone printing where drones go to set waypoints after being welded.


Same issue, is there a workaround yet?


Still broken. I don't like working with the new blocks either. Huge pain. I wonder why they couldn't use the remote control block as the flight block, or at least include it as a "flight type block" option and pass waypoints to the remote control from the AI block. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also why not add the P-gravity option to remote controls?


My friend found a workaround in some situations. Set the remote to patrol (which does keep its waypoints) then when reaching the end, switch off the remote.


Patrol disables the Autopilot option if there is only one waypoint, which is what I am trying to do. Just send the drone to a fixed point


This has rendered every drone using a remote control on my server dead in the water, any ETA on a fix?


This error still exists. And with Ai blocks it is not possible to move between simple waypoints without problems.

Couldn't the old Remote control block be restored?

I didn't have any problems with it.


Disappointing to see this bug still exists after 12 months.

I don't use this much so the one time I try to create a drone I was stymied until I found this thread.

Please extract your digits, Keen


This bug still persists :)


I also tried out the new "AI" blocks, but if I set a GPS point where the ship should reach, after a while it turns around and returns to its starting position. I don't understand why it does this, no other GPS coordinates are set.

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