Inconsistent hydrogen behavior through conveyor sorters

undeadtaco234 shared this bug 22 months ago

Currently sorters are either blocking hydrogen flow when they should not, or are allowing hydrogen flow when they should not.

Flow of hydrogen upstream (toward the source side) works on some grids and not others.

A grid where hydrogen is passed:

A grid where it is blocked:

Replies (5)


Hello, undeadtaco234,

I am sorry your issue is still not resolved. I looked at the first grid and you are right, the hydrogen passes through but it does not when I try to stockpile in the opposite direction (as it should). When it comes to the second grid, yes, the hydrogen does not pass through to all the tanks but when I changed the direction of the sorter (so the arrows point in opposite direction) it did.

Can you please try to change the direction of the sorter and test out whether or not the hydrogen passes through? You can share your build again. Optionally can you please create a simple version of the grid where hydrogen does not pass though? A video when you demonstrate your problem would also help me out. It is possible I am trying to recreate a different behavior from the one you are expecting.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello again,

On the first grid that I posted, hydrogen is able to flow both ways when the tanks are set to stockpile. On the second grid, hydrogen cannot flow against the direction of the sorter.

The tanks can recharge on the drone if I turn the sorter around, but then ore would not be withdrawn from it. I believe it should work both ways, as it works that way on the first grid.

To further prove this issue, here is a grid with the same configuration on the same grid, but one sorter is allowing flow and one is not. Below is a video building this grid.

Thank you


This simplified grid demonstrates the issue clearly. One sorter allows hydrogen to flow “upstream” and one does not


Hello, undeadtaco234,

thank you for the blueprint. I was able to reproduce the bug and I reported it into our internal system. Thank you for your patience and great report.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department



Wish Keen would get off their indecisive arses and definitively state whether gases are meant or not meant to be affected by sorters, and if they're meant to be affected, how, so that people can at least begin to compare expected results with observed ones. Sure, the "official" wiki says "Oxygen and Hydrogen cannot pass through this block in any direction. " (, but anyone can edit a wiki, so, that pretty much means f-all.


Hello, Engineer,

happy to inform you that this problem is now fixed in v204.

Will close this thread now.

If you are experiencing any other problem with the game, please let us know by opening new thread here on the forum.

Happy Engineering!

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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