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Save game error

Michal Srp shared this bug 19 months ago
Won't Fix

I have a problem saving position. After loading game usually saves once or twice but then it throw up notice in attachment. I think I have exceeded some limit, but I don't know what. Savegame file has about 6Gb, so it's really big, but it shouldn't be lack of memory. Can you help please?

Replies (5)



Thank you for contacting us. Since this is a bug report, I'm moving your ticket to our support page, where our QA team will take care of you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Hello, Michal,

thank you for reaching our forum with your problem.

However, after closer investigation of your log, I can clearly see that there are tons of errors connected to mods.

Is this the only save where you are experiencing this issue? Or have you seen it in some other world as well?

If in any other world, was the game also modded like this one?

Can you please try to run completely vanilla game (no mods, scripts etc.) and see if the issue would happen there as well?

If not, it is likely that the issue that you are observing, is indeed due to mods.

However, please note that we do not support mods as such. It is always the mod (script, plugin) creator/owner responsibility that the mods are working fine with current game version, and the player responsibility which he is using and how.

If the pure vanilla world would work for you, but you will be experiencing this issue constantly on this save, you can try:

1. Delete the mods from this save (Load game – Edit settings – Mods). You can open the log yourself and try to take mods out of the save that are mentioned the most in the log with errors (e.g. More NPC Encounters - Basic Ai, but there are others as well) and take these out one by one. Try to load the game and see if it is any better. If not, delete next mod, try to load the game again... and so on and so forth.

Or you can try to delete all mods at once. However, it is possible that after that the game would be corrupted altogether, as I have seen you have some planets mods etc. Taking these out might corrupt your game, as once the game is started with these, it is already written in the basic settings, and when you take this out, the game might not be able to load properly/at all.

2. Or you can try the general workarounds:

  • Verify your game files in Steam – right click on Space Engineers in Steam Library → Properties → Local Files → Verify Integrity of Game Files
  • Delete SpaceEngineers.cfg file (it means your game configuration will be deleted) – you can access your SpaceEngineers.cfg by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers.
  • Delete ShaderCache folder – same access as above
  • Back up your whole Space Engineers Roaming folder and delete it

If nothing from this list would work for you and you would be still experiencing this issue, can you please send me new log file? It would be great if you can send just shorter log this time, so it would be easier to spot the error/exception that is the reason behind your issue. You can just run the game, load the affected save, try to save it (until you get this error) and close the game, so the log would end there, right after this problem happen in your game.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department



I have tried nearly all you have suggested (except deleting Roaming folder), but with no success. I'm pretty sure that issue is related to some of the mods, because in vanilla or less modded games I don't experience that, but I can't figure out which one (or ones) is causing problem. Removing all mods (except for planet mods) didn't lead to success. Removing planet mods is not possible because of error when loading savegame - error when creating objects. Removing planets from game through admin tools is also not an option since I can't save it.

I didn't start the game with all these mods, I added them one by one and I played with these many days before I began experience this issue. However I was able to create a new game with the same mods and it seems to be working. Maybe not so many grids in the game?

I know it's my responsibility which mods I add to my game and if I add any at all and you can't support them. I just wanted to know options I have, since I wasn't able to identify the mod causing problem. Thank you for your support and quick response nonetheless.

PS: I will delete all logs and send you a new and shorter one. I would be very grateful, if you can take a look at that.


Hello, Michal Srp,

thank you for your response. Unfortunately as you said we do not and can not support mods as there are hundreds and probably thousands of them out there. It's the mod creator/owner responsibility to make sure their mods are working fine with the current game version. You can contact the mod creator and address the problem with them.

The only way to know which mod is causing this problem is to add one at a time until the error occurs. I am sorry I cannot be more of a help.

Can you please confirm you do not experience this issue anymore after removing all the mods? If you experienced this issue since then in vanilla game I will assist you further.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Engineer,

as there has been no reply to this thread in some time, we will close it. If you're experiencing this issue, please create a new thread.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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