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Losing thrusts without reason

Peroxyde shared this bug 20 months ago

Hi, i'm a newbee (i'm a month old).

But i have the same issue than this post :

It's the second times it happen.

First time i also tried to grind rebuild thrusters.

They work accordingly to the flame but no speed change (damper on or off)

It's not only ion. this time i put also Hydro and no change.

Theres is enough power for full thrust and operation for hours, ice in cargo...

It's on an official server. As theres is also Oxygen tank and solar panel this time, i can survive in it. So if you don't have succeed to reproduce the bug in 4 years, i can leave you my id to check this.

(If a server restart won't fix it before)

A log out/in doesn't have fix the issue.


Replies (2)


Hello, engineer!

Sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue.

Could you share additional information with us?

On which server did you experience this issue?

Have you experienced the same issue when playing in Single Player mode or Lobby?

How long have you been experiencing this issue? Has it started to happen recently?

Kindly share a screen recording/video showing the issue at your end and the blueprint of the ship you're experiencing this issue with.

  • You can access your blueprints files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Blueprints. Select the correct folder where your blueprint is saved (local or cloud), zip the file, and attach it here.

We are looking forward to assisting you with this issue.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


With pleasure.

It's on Keen EU#1 (Steam://

It never happen to me in Single player (i've played a least a full month), and I never played in lobby for now (i'm a begginer, i'm still discovering)

I'm playing on server since 2 weeks maybe (i don't see time flying... ^^)

It has only happen to me twice.

The first time, it was a completely different ship that was lost in darkness.

This time i'm more lucky, it was sliding veeeery slowly. And i just log in to check : it was 24km away from base, but now perfectly still.

So i think a server restart fix the bug.

I can Bp it and share, but you will see : it's a very basic ship... ^^

I think that the video wil be more usefull : next time i'll do it.

Thanks for the replies


[edit] I can't remember the circumstances of the first time, but the second I was just doing auto-docking drone tests.


Hello, Peroxyde,

since it's already quite long time from your last comment, can I please ask you for any update on your side?

Did you experience this issue again in this time?

Are you able to provide us the blueprint and the video, as mentioned last time, please?

Are there any steps that you are doing that lead towards this issue? Did you change the grid in any way before this issue start to happen? E.g. any change the conveyor system, build more parts of the ship etc. Anything that you would observe that after doing it, it is more likely for this issue to happen.

Thank you for any form of update.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Last time i didn't made a video saddly.

It happen again recently and i made instantly a save, a blueprint and a video just before i realise that the checkbox "control thrusters" in cockpit option was unchecked. (don't know why).

And it wasn't like the first time since if i push the button nothing happen, (as expected, due to the checkbox)

The first time, the ship did'nt respond BUT thruster show bigger flame.

I'm sorry that i did'nt succeed to reproduce the bug again.

But as soon as i experience it again, you will receive all of that. I promise! ^^


As i didn't talk about this : it has happen only with small thrusters (ion/H2) on small grid.


Hello, engineer!

Thank you for writing us back.

That's good to know that you're no longer experiencing the issue and that everything is working fine for you.

Since there is no further assistance needed from our end, we are closing this thread now. If you observe or experience any other issues, do not hesitate to contact us again.

Happy Engineering!

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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