Multiplayer Server Crash Log
Need some help identifying the cause of a Space Engineers Multiplayer server (G Portal) crash log.
2022-11-20 18:57:35.633 - Thread: 1 -> Log Started
2022-11-20 18:57:35.634 - Thread: 1 -> Timezone (local - UTC): -5h
2022-11-20 18:57:35.634 - Thread: 1 -> App Version: 01_201_013
2022-11-20 18:57:35.652 - Thread: 1 -> Is official: True [NO][NIS][NAMP]
2022-11-20 18:57:35.653 - Thread: 1 -> Branch / Sandbox: DedicatedServer
2022-11-20 18:57:35.653 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.ProcessorCount: 8
2022-11-20 18:57:35.669 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.OSVersion: Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Standard (Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0)
2022-11-20 18:57:35.669 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.CommandLine: D:\home\sid_899579\spaceEngineers\spaceeng\DedicatedServer64\SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe -console -ip -port 28200 -path D:\home\sid_899579\spaceEngineers\profile -maxPlayers 11
2022-11-20 18:57:35.670 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.Is64BitProcess: True
2022-11-20 18:57:35.670 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem: True
2022-11-20 18:57:35.670 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.Version: .NET Framework 4.8.4420.0
2022-11-20 18:57:35.670 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.CurrentDirectory: D:\home\sid_899579\spaceEngineers
2022-11-20 18:57:35.670 - Thread: 1 -> CPU Info: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1240 v6 @ 3.70GHz
2022-11-20 18:57:35.670 - Thread: 1 -> IntPtr.Size: 8
2022-11-20 18:57:35.670 - Thread: 1 -> Default Culture:
2022-11-20 18:57:35.670 - Thread: 1 -> Default UI Culture:
2022-11-20 18:57:35.773 - Thread: 1 -> MyScreenManager()
2022-11-20 18:57:35.863 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - START
2022-11-20 18:57:35.865 - Thread: 1 -> Game dir: D:\home\sid_899579\spaceEngineers\spaceeng\DedicatedServer64
2022-11-20 18:57:35.865 - Thread: 1 -> Content dir: D:\home\sid_899579\spaceEngineers\spaceeng\Content
2022-11-20 18:57:37.212 - Thread: 1 -> Preallocate - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.216 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceWorldGenerator - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.224 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceWorldGenerator - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.224 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceBuildComponent - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.224 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceBuildComponent - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.225 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntities - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.246 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntities - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.246 - Thread: 1 -> MyObjectBuilder_Base - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.246 - Thread: 1 -> MyObjectBuilder_Base - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.246 - Thread: 1 -> MyTransparentGeometry - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.246 - Thread: 1 -> MyTransparentGeometry - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.246 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDeformationTables - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.260 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDeformationTables - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.260 - Thread: 1 -> MyMath - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.260 - Thread: 1 -> MyMath - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.260 - Thread: 1 -> MySimpleObjectDraw - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.260 - Thread: 1 -> MySimpleObjectDraw - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.280 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.280 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.280 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.350 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.350 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.351 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.351 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncDestructions - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.351 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncDestructions - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.351 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncEntity - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.351 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncEntity - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.351 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandCharacter - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.352 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandCharacter - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.352 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandConsole - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.353 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandConsole - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.353 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandEntity - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.355 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandEntity - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.355 - Thread: 1 -> MyAiTargetManager - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.355 - Thread: 1 -> MyAiTargetManager - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.355 - Thread: 1 -> MyClientDebugCommands - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyClientDebugCommands - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServer - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServer - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServerBase - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServerBase - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerBase - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerBase - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClient - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClient - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClientBase - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClientBase - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobby - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobby - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerServerBase - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerServerBase - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.356 - Thread: 1 -> MyServerDebugCommands - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.357 - Thread: 1 -> MyServerDebugCommands - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.357 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDefinitions - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.442 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDefinitions - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.442 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager - START
2022-11-20 18:57:37.466 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.468 - Thread: 1 -> Preallocate - END
2022-11-20 18:57:37.468 - Thread: 1 -> Bind IP :
2022-11-20 18:57:41.467 - Thread: 1 -> Networking service: Steam
2022-11-20 18:57:41.467 - Thread: 1 -> Server successfully started
2022-11-20 18:57:41.467 - Thread: 1 -> Product name: Space Engineers
2022-11-20 18:57:41.467 - Thread: 1 -> Desc: Space Engineers
2022-11-20 18:57:41.468 - Thread: 1 -> Public IP:
2022-11-20 18:57:41.468 - Thread: 1 -> User ID: [009...983]
2022-11-20 18:57:41.470 - Thread: 1 -> Server connected to Steam
2022-11-20 18:57:41.580 - Thread: 1 -> MyCampaignManager.Constructor() - START
2022-11-20 18:57:41.865 - Thread: 1 -> MyCampaignManager.Constructor() - END
2022-11-20 18:57:41.865 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - END
2022-11-20 18:57:41.865 - Thread: 1 -> Server Name: Space Engineers (NYC) Server by
2022-11-20 18:57:41.865 - Thread: 1 -> World Name: Alien Planet
2022-11-20 18:57:41.883 - Thread: 1 -> Auto Restart Enabled
2022-11-20 18:57:41.888 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - START
2022-11-20 18:57:41.888 - Thread: 1 -> Installed DLCs:
2022-11-20 18:57:41.888 - Thread: 24 -> Remote Server Listener started. Listening on port 28216
2022-11-20 18:57:41.911 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiGameControlsHelpers()
2022-11-20 18:57:41.969 - Thread: 1 -> Havok: Physics.Init
2022-11-20 18:57:41.995 - Thread: 1 -> Havok: Version: Release(0), 1800, [S}
2022-11-20 18:57:41.997 - Thread: 1 -> HkGameName: SpaceEngineers
2022-11-20 18:57:42.018 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - START
2022-11-20 18:57:42.019 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START
2022-11-20 18:57:42.023 - Thread: 1 -> 7ec8499317df0d7f0cada2a03d70859b7be5e6a5
2022-11-20 18:57:42.364 - Thread: 1 -> Loading scenarios
2022-11-20 18:57:42.411 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END
2022-11-20 18:57:42.412 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START
2022-11-20 18:57:42.523 - Thread: 1 -> Loading OffensiveWords definitions
2022-11-20 18:57:42.523 - Thread: 1 -> WARNING: Unexpected behaviour may occur due to redefinition of 'Offensive Words'
2022-11-20 18:57:42.526 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END
2022-11-20 18:57:42.543 - Thread: 7 -> MySandboxGame.PerformPreload() - START
2022-11-20 18:57:42.547 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - END
2022-11-20 18:57:42.547 - Thread: 7 -> MyDefinitionManager.GetSessionPreloadDefinitions() - START
2022-11-20 18:57:42.554 - Thread: 7 -> MyDefinitionManager.GetSessionPreloadDefinitions() - END
2022-11-20 18:57:42.554 - Thread: 7 -> MySandboxGame.PerformPreload() - PRELOAD VANILLA SOUNDS AND VOXELS
2022-11-20 18:57:42.556 - Thread: 7 -> ReloadVoxelMaterials
2022-11-20 18:57:42.626 - Thread: 7 -> MyDefinitionManager.GetSessionPreloadDefinitions() - START
2022-11-20 18:57:44.312 - Thread: 1 -> World Alien Planet not found.
2022-11-20 18:57:44.312 - Thread: 1 -> Creating new one with same name
2022-11-20 18:57:44.312 - Thread: 1 -> Cannot start new world - Premade world not found D:\home\sid_1325326\spaceEngineers\spaceeng\Content\CustomWorlds\Alien Planet
2022-11-20 18:57:44.313 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - END
2022-11-20 18:57:44.337 - Thread: 1 -> Exception occurred: System.ApplicationException: Session can not start. Save is corrupted or not valid. See log file for more information.
at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Run(Boolean customRenderLoop, Action disposeSplashScreen)
at VRage.Dedicated.DedicatedServer.RunInternal(String instanceName)
at VRage.Dedicated.DedicatedServer.RunMain(String instanceName, String customPath, Boolean isService, Boolean showConsole, Boolean checkAlive)
at VRage.Dedicated.DedicatedServer.ProcessArgs(String[] args)
at VRage.Dedicated.DedicatedServer.Run(String[] args, Action`1 initializeServices)
at SpaceEngineersDedicated.MyProgram.Main(String[] args)
2022-11-20 18:57:44.338 - Thread: 1 -> Showing message
2022-11-20 18:57:44.534 - Thread: 1 ->
================================== CRASH INFO ==================================
AppVersion: 01_201_013
GameName: Space Engineers
IsOutOfMemory: False
IsGPU: False
IsNative: False
IsTask: False
IsExperimental: False
ProcessRunTime: 9
PCUCount: 0
IsHang: False
GCMemory: 67
GCMemoryAllocated: 67
HWAvailableMemory: 24036
ProcessPrivateMemory: 239
AnalyticId: SEDS
================================== OFNI HSARC ==================================
2022-11-20 18:57:44.534 - Thread: 1 -> Log Closed
Thank you for contacting us. Since this is a bug report, I'm moving your ticket to our support page, where our QA team will take care of you.
Kind Regards
Keen Software House
Thank you for contacting us. Since this is a bug report, I'm moving your ticket to our support page, where our QA team will take care of you.
Kind Regards
Keen Software House
Hello, Edward,
thanks for reaching our forum with your issue.
Can you please provide me more information? Is this the whole text that is present in the log? Can you send me the log file directly, please, as the whole text document?
What is your situation with the server? Do you run it personally or is it server that is running on some other place and you can not get to server files etc.?
I have found a solutions that worked for players/admins in the past.
It seems that the configuration interface doesn't store the scenario type in the configuration XML file correctly in your game.
Please try these steps to workaround/fix it:
The Subtype should be whatever you see in the Scenarios drop-down and/or in the CustomWorlds folder without spaces.
Or you can also try just delete this whole <Scenario> section as well; worked for some players as well.
Can you please try and let me know if this change anything?
Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards
Keen Software House: QA Department
Hello, Edward,
thanks for reaching our forum with your issue.
Can you please provide me more information? Is this the whole text that is present in the log? Can you send me the log file directly, please, as the whole text document?
What is your situation with the server? Do you run it personally or is it server that is running on some other place and you can not get to server files etc.?
I have found a solutions that worked for players/admins in the past.
It seems that the configuration interface doesn't store the scenario type in the configuration XML file correctly in your game.
Please try these steps to workaround/fix it:
The Subtype should be whatever you see in the Scenarios drop-down and/or in the CustomWorlds folder without spaces.
Or you can also try just delete this whole <Scenario> section as well; worked for some players as well.
Can you please try and let me know if this change anything?
Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards
Keen Software House: QA Department
Hello, Engineer!
Because there is no new comment from you, and we are unable to reproduce the issue on our own, I will close this thread now as outdated.
If you or any other player will experience this issue again, please make a new thread and provide all needed info there.
Thank you for understanding.
Kind Regards
Keen Software House: QA Department
Hello, Engineer!
Because there is no new comment from you, and we are unable to reproduce the issue on our own, I will close this thread now as outdated.
If you or any other player will experience this issue again, please make a new thread and provide all needed info there.
Thank you for understanding.
Kind Regards
Keen Software House: QA Department
Replies have been locked on this page!