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PCU limit reached repair contracts

Jesse Vallatnine shared this bug 2 years ago

On 2 of my current repair contracts when the solar pannel is welded up it will not pass the functional line even though all items have been added and says "PCU limit reached." I've tried disabling pcu limit in admin tools to no effect. Tried re-loading. Tried grinding down and re-welding. All to no effect. Other damaged looking light armor blocks cannot be wleded either and the same "PCU limit reached" message apperars. This is in a survival solar system with no mods, however experimental mode is enabled. I am not running any scripts either. I only have the small moon landing pod and a tiny tiny base (basic assembler, refinery, small drill rig, and some power) built. My guess is that the npc Pcu limit is some how reached...? I will upload the save file if guided how.

Thank you again for a great game!

Replies (8)


Hello, Jesse,

thanks for letting us know and we are sorry that you are experiencing it in a first place.

Yes please, if possible, if you can share the save file, that would be certainly the best.

To do so, please, follow these steps:

You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.

Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

It would also help if you can make a GPS markers on the places of interest – your base, the rover, the grid that you suppose to repair etc.

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


There're only the 2 objectievs relatively close I believe. One is where the save is at. I believe I labled my base as home and gps marked in green also very close on the moon. Attached is the save file. Let me know if you need any earlier backups. Thanks again!


Hello, Jesse,

thanks for the save.

While there is something strange going on, and I'm not sure why you would have 1 000 000 PCU (when there are not so much grids in the game), I found a solution for you.

Please go to the game settings, and there if you slide the slider all the way down to 0, the PCU limit will be disabled (see image).

Like this, you would be able to finish the contracts and build how much you like.

I will try some follow-up on this issue and see why the PCU are so high on your save, but this solution should help you in the ability to keep playing.

Please let me know if this solution is enough for you at the time, and if yes, I will close this thread.

If you would like to be part of the follow-up, I would keep this thread on Need more info for now and keep trying.

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


You know what, that is my fault. I changed it thinking it would allow more objects in game. Had I known I would have set it at zero. Thanks so much for the help. I've really been enjoying this game! I would love to see a vr feature in the future if at all possible. I appreciate all the work that you've all put into this. Thanks again


Sorry, how do I adjust the game setting for this save? I only know how when creating a new game.


Hello, Jesse,

to change settings when you already have started the game, can be done in Load game from Main menu. There, you will be in the folder with saved games. Please click this "Edit settings" button (see image).

In there, you want to find the "Advanced" button right on the bottom of the page on the right side and you will be directed to "Advanced world settings" screen. You can find and alter all the game settings of chosen game.

Hope this helps. If yes, can you please confirm me that I can close this thread, or do you need any more assistance?

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Yes, all sorted now. Thank you!


Hello, Jesse,

thanks for your reply.

Happy to hear that you were able to solved the issue with provided advices.

As there is no further assistance needed, I will close this thread.

Happy Engineering!

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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